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安家费 setttling-in allowance 安检级别 security level 安理会 security council 安全隐患 petential risk 间隔年Gap Year 成人教育和职业教育 adult education and job training (vocational education) 惩治腐败 to combat corruption 多极化趋势the trends towards multi-polarity 合法权益 lawful rights and interests 宏观经济模式macro-economic mode 后起之秀 promising young people 黄色出版物和非法出版活动pornographic publications and illegal publishing practices 基础设施、基础工业和支柱产业 infrastructure, basic industries and pillar industries 集装箱运输container traffic 牟取暴利的行为 the making of exorbitant profits 健身房gymnasium; fiteness center 精品店boutique 经济技术开发区economic and technological development zone (ETDZ) 经济特区 special economic zone (SEZ) 就业培训 vocational training or employment 科学工业园区science-based industrial park 科教兴国战略the strategies for revitalizing the nation through science and education 安慰奖consolation prize 澳门特别行政区the macao special administrative region 罢工down tools 八卦gossip 名词与形容词 巴黎航空公约 the paris aviation convenant 拜金女material girl 猫腻 fraudulent 特别提款权special drawing rights (SDR) 有效贷款支持effective loan support 法人制度改革legal person system reform 系统建设system construction 金融服务环境financial service environment 农村信用社rural credit cooperatives 项目管理办公室Program Management Offices (PMO) 简称“项目办” 参与式和社会性别主流化的策略the participatory and gender mainstreaming strategy 法人体制和监督结构 legal system and supervision structure 利率定价政策interest rate pricing policy 涉农产品agriculture-related products 维修和改造网点maintenance and transformation outlets 薪酬制度改革salary system reform 小额信贷活动micro-credit activities 乡镇townships 累计贷款金额total loan amount 贫困户the poor farmers 标准农户standard farmers 贷款评级credit rating 直接受益人口direct beneficiary population 存款规模the deposits of 农业贷款agricultural loans 不良贷款率non-performing loan ratio 资本充足率capital adequacy ratio 实现了跨越式发展achieved leapfrog development 可持续发展能力sustainable development capacity 迁址另建to be relocated for re-establishment 整改率rectification rate 贫困县poverty-stricken counties 后续活动Follow-up activities 滚动发放rolling issuance 信贷管理系统、支票影像系统credit management systems, check



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