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A View of Mountains Jonathan Schell Arrangement(1) Warm-up questions and exercises 1. In the world, what’s the most horrible thing to you? -----translation p55 2. When it comes to WWII, what will occur to you? Listening exercises p57 Background introduction to the author and the two cities E---C translation 世贸中心倒塌前102分钟里的声音记录已经面世了。起初是呼救、问讯和求救,很快就变成了表达绝望、愤怒和爱的声音。如今被困在世贸中心双子座上的男男女女发出的这些声音成了永久的记忆。 由《纽约时报》的记者收集的这些最后一眼让人们以一种看不见的形式再次感受这场灾难:北楼最上面的19层和南楼最上面的33层遭受的损失最为惨重,在据说已经死亡的2832人中,至少有1946人,或者说69%的人,是在这些楼层上。 The most horrible thing in the world 救援人员没能靠近他们。摄影师没能拍下他们的脸。然而,正如在遥远的天边陷入险境的人们在黑匣子里留下的信息一样,他们的遗言不仅让人们感受令人不寒而栗的灾难场景,还让人们了解到在这样一个残酷的时刻,仍然存在着勇敢、体面和风度。 The two A-bomb cities The Nagasaki is a city which is the seaport in southwest Japan(长崎) and is one of the two cities that got nuclear bombing in the War II. The Hiroshima is a city which is the seaport in southwest Japan(广岛) and is the first city that got nuclear bombing in the War II. Hiroshima bombing Nagasaki bombing Yosuke Yamahata Special Mission In 1945, Yosuke Yamahata was a 28-year-old-photographer on assignment with the Western Army Corps near Nagasaki. On August 9, three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, news of a second New-Style Bombing was received by the Corps and Yamahata was sent immediately to photograph its aftereffects. ..\Remembering Nagasaki Background.htm He arrived before dawn on August 10, 1945. As the sun rose he began to photograph the city, in which nearly half the population had been killed or injured by the single, plutonium triggered bomb. By nightfall he had completed the most extensive photographic record of the immediate aftermath of the bombings of either Hiroshima or Nagasaki, taking approximately 119 images during that single day. He died of cancer in 1966. He was 48 years old. His photos His photos His photos His photos His photos The mushroom cloud seen from an American aircraft Nagasaki two days before the atomic bombing Nagasaki three d
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