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英语高级写作课程教案 学期:2012 — 2013学年第2学期 学时:32 学分:2 授课对象:外国语学院10级英语专业学生 教 材:《写作教程 第四册》,2007, 上海外语教育出版社 任课教师:宇文静 陈琳 1.课程成果: 通过本课程的学习,学生能够初步掌握科学研究的基本方法和能力,巩固和加深所学的基本理论和技能,了解英语论文写作的有关知识、技巧、和策略,选择和确定适当的论文题目,初拟论文提纲。 2.教学方法: 课堂讲授,举例,演示 3.课程考核: 课程成绩(100%)=平时考核(100%)+期末考试(0%) 平时考核 100分=100分+0分 1.平时成绩:100分折合为总成绩的100% 注: 100分: 作业8次中取5次,每次20分; 0分: 随机抽查5次出勤,不计分,3次无故缺勤者取消其成绩。 2.期末成绩:无 3.考试方式:大作业 Lecture 1: Introduction to Thesis Writing (Unit 1) 一、 课程成果(Outcome) 1. Understand the aim of the course 2. Grasp generally some information about graduation thesis 3. Understand what constitutes a good topic for research 二、 学时安排 2 hours 三、重点难点 1. Principles and Requirements of Graduation Thesis 2. Components of Graduation Thesis 3. Steps of Graduation Thesis Writing 四、教学内容 Introduction to Graduation Thesis 1 What is a thesis? It is a research paper composed by a college student when he/she has finished college study with the help of his /her supervisor, which is also called graduation thesis. 2 Significance of thesis writing a. Institutional purpose: b. Personal purposes: 3 Scales of thesis writing Literature, Translation, Linguistics, TEFL, Cross-Culture, Other social science ( e.g. Business English, EST, etc.) 4 Evaluation of a thesis Letter grade ( A. B. C. D. F) is based on its content, structure, language and format. Apart from that, oral defense also counts in many colleges, and so does it in our institute. 5 Principles of thesis writing Learning Principle; Independence Principle; Scientific Principle; Scholarly Principle; Creative Principle; Norm Principle. 6 Requirements of thesis writing Length; Format; Content; Book binding and layout. 7 Steps of Graduation Thesis Writing Choose a topic, collect and organize materials, compose the first draft, revise the draft and finalize it. 五、作业 Read Unit 2 after class.. Lecture 2: Choosing a Topic for a Thesis (Unit 2) 一、 课程成果(Outcome) 1. Know what steps to follow when choosing


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