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中铁应收账款的风险管理研究 系 别: 经济管理系 学科专业: 财务管理 姓 名: 李 军 指导教师: 孙维峰 运 城 学 院 2015年5月 中铁应收账款的风险管理研究 摘要:应收账款是指企业在正常的经营活动中,因销售商品、提供劳务而形成的企业债权,是企业重要的流动资产。应收账款的增长在为企业产品扩大销路的同时,其不合理的账款增多的风险性也大大增加。因此,在新形势下,加强对应收账款的风险管理的研究成为一个重要课题。中国中铁是一个较大的企业集团,其应收账款的风险管理是本文研究的重点。本文选取我国建筑施工企业应收账款为对照,通过搜集2011-2013年财务报表,以样本分析为切入点,在应收账款风险管理上被忽视的控制点上,提炼出客户信用风险评级、应收账款占营业收入比例、不合理账款准备比率和应收账款周转率四个主要风险要素进行分析,结果表明中国中铁应收账款存在一些问题,并指出可通过建立企业应收账款的风险防范体系、强化企业应收账款的内部控制、完善企业应收账款的回收管理策略等方法来提高其应收账款管理,以便为中国中铁应收账款的风险管理提供参考和理论依据。 关键词:中国中铁 应收账款 风险管理 Research of China railway group accounts receivable risk management Abstract: Accounts receivable is refers to the enterprise in the normal business activities, for selling goods, providing labor services and form of creditors rights of enterprise, is the enterprise important current assets. The growth of accounts receivable in expanding market for the enterprise products at the same time, its unreasonable also greatly increase the risk of increase in the number of accounts. Therefore, under the new situation, to strengthen the risk management of accounts receivable research become an important subject. China railway group is a large enterprise group, its accounts receivable risk management is the key point of this study. This article selects our country construction enterprise receivables for reference, by collecting 2011-2013 financial statements, in sample analysis as the breakthrough point, on the accounts receivable risk management ignored the control points of extracting customer credit risk rating, unreasonable proportion of accounts receivable account for revenue, account receivable ratio and accounts receivable turnover rate of the four major risk factors were analyzed, and the results show that there exist some problems in the China railway group accounts receivable, and points out that the enterprise accounts receivable risk prevention system can be built, stre


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