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王云才 新生入学教育(第三幕) 人应当怎样活着? 卑劣地、愚蠢地、放纵地活着,等于慢性死亡。 使人幸福的并不是体力和金钱,而是正直和公允。 作了可耻的事而能追悔,就挽救了生命。 不学习是得不到任何技艺、任何学问的。 蠢人是一辈子都不能使任何人满意的。 智慧生出三种果实:善于思想,善于说话,善于行动。 统治权自然属于上等人。 Be patient Be openminded Be yourself Have confidence in life Forget worries Keep promises Enjoy life ……. 今天我告诉大家的,不仅是大学的生活宝典,而且是今后工作的人生指南。因为这是由所有的成功者和失败者共同总结的大学生活的《四要四不要》五字箴言。 The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. “四要四不要”五字箴言 一名大三学生致信本报:为什么我的大学越上越迷茫 《中国青年报》2012年01月07日03版 1. 不要让集体声誉影响了自己的发展 1.不要让集体声誉影响了自己的发展 2.不要让教师的表现影响对学科的热爱 2.不要让教师表现影响对学科的热爱 2.不要让教师的表现影响对学科的热爱 “Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than- 3.不要让周围同学成为你发展的阻力 3.不要让周围同学成为你发展的阻力 “二不要用目前标准判断未来需要”的详解 越快乐,越堕落 提升需要做功,下坠为自由落体 快乐是暂时的,人生的常态是坚持(苦长乐短) 要靠兴趣去学习 从动物到人,快乐在不断提升 《the usefulness of useless knowledge》 by Abraham Flexner普林斯顿大学校长、高等研究院创始人 Throughout the whole history of science most of the really great discoveries which had ultimately proved to be beneficial to mankind had been made by men and women who were driven not by the desire to be useful but merely the desire to satisfy their curiosity. “None of this (calligraphy class) had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. …… and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. 有限的精力,不可能穷尽无限的经历 爱好不可无,但也不可多 少数人的爱好可以谋生, 多少人的爱好只是放松。 三不要认为有人更关心你的发展 1. 不要以为别人会时时修正你的行为 2. 不要以为你可以是老师工作的全部 3. 不要依靠知识能力之外的任何东西 3. 不要依靠知识能力之外的任何东西 4. 不要以为有人可以为你的错误负责 四不要丧失责任忘记理想、沉迷游戏 小学四年级的一道算术题: Steve Jobs: The end