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Effective and Efficient English Education 张连仲 全国基础外语教育研究培训中心 Going global “The future of English lies in the hands of the Chinese and Indians.” English Next-David Gradoll ---English as an international language, as a lingua Franca,the implication:more learners,more varieties,learning for international communication, not to become native; ---information era has made English one of the basic skills for social and personal development; 与时俱进的外语教学思想 外语教育有成绩,要发展(历史、辨证地看待外语教学) 外语教育的辩证法观点 是外语教育,但要遵循语言学习规律 外语学习的目标与过程,阶段性发展特点, 外语学习的目的是语用能力和人的发展 不能脱离语言谈语用,不能脱离语用教语言 以人为本的外语教育 改革是渐进的过程 多样化是方向 个性化是根本 From E-learning to “I – Learning”: Integration, Interaction, Internalization, Independence, Intelligence 外语教育是系统工程(政策设计、管理体制、教学实施、评价改革互相匹配) 冷静、平和看待语言教学的发展中的问题 多研究问题和解决的方法, “和而不同”还是“同而不和”? Beliefs Learning foreign languages helps learners to know better of the other culture, to understand better of their own Learning a foreign language can enable people to become more open minded and to overcome barriers of communication English is important for China to implement “opening door” policy English can help to enhance, strengthen national “soft power” Knowledge expands: Aristotle: knows 90% knowledge of his time Newton: 60% knowledge De Vinci: 30% Darwin: 10% We in the 21st century?…. 0.002 to 0.004%, And the figure is decreasing, as the amount of knowledge is increasing at high speed. The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years. It’s predicted to double every 72 hours by 2010. It is IMPORTANT TO LEARN AND BE ABLE TO USE AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE IN THE INFORMATION AGE From Knowledge to Knowledge “ Now”ledge To create your own knowledge 英语教育改革发展方向 适应信息社会发展对人才的需求 综合语言应用能力----用语言获取信息、处理信息、整合加工信息的能力,英语思维的能力,与世界交往的能力 人格塑造和人的可持续性全面发展 Effectiveness, Efficiency 高中学生英语能力发展重点 根据高中学生认知发展水平和交际需求,高中英语教学特别注重从三个方面培养和发展学生的语用能力: 人际交往中得体的使用英语 用英语获取和处理信息 用英语思维 Some intere


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