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承 诺 书 我承诺所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注的地方外,论文中不包含他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。若本论文(设计)及资料与以上承诺内容不符,本人愿意承担一切责任。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 日期:20 年 月 日 Table of Contents Abstract I 摘要 II Preface 1 1. The Origin and Characteristics of English Abbreviation 2 1.1 The Origin of the English Abbreviations 2 1.1.1 The Objective World Factors 2 1.1.2 The Subjective World Factors 3 1.1.3 Language World Factors 3 1.2 The Main Causes of English Characteristics 4 1.2.1 Simplicity 4 1.2.2 Fuzziness 4 1.2.3 Lability 4 1.3 Summary 5 2. The Generation Characteristics of English Abbreviation 6 2.1 Clipping 6 2.1.1 Cutting the Final Part. 6 2.1.2 Cutting the Initial Part. 6 2.1.3 Cutting the Initial Part and the Final Part. 6 2.1.4 Cutting either the Initial Part or the Final Part. 6 2.2 Blending 7 2.3 Acronym 7 2.4 Digital Abbreviation 8 2.5 Borrowing Law 8 2.6 Variant Law 8 2.7 Summary 8 3. The Pronunciation Rules and Writing Rules of Abbreviation in English Language 9 3.1 Pronunciation Rules of English Language 9 3.2 Writing Rules of English Language 9 3.3 Summary 10 4. The Chinese Translation of English Abbreviation 11 4.1 Transliteration 11 4.2 Free Translation 12 4.3 Zero-Translation Method 12 4.4 Mixed-Translation Method 14 4.5 Summary 14 5. Pragmatic Function of English Abbreviation 15 5.1 Simpleness, Speediness 15 5.2 Eye-catching, Catchy Hooks 15 5.3 Strong Description 15 5.4 Rhetoric Function 15 5.5 Summary 16 Conclusion 17 Citation 18 Reference 19 Acknowledgements 20 Abstract A lot of English abbreviation production and use reflect a sharp change of modern society, the science and technology progress and cultural education leap and the rapid development of business, etc. The seemingly simple abbreviations in composition structure, pronunciation, and writing have many rules, and it is the unique function to use a language. The study of these rules can reduce and avoid chaos or mistakes when w


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