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DESCRIPTION SC8211 is a dual channel, 16 bit digital -to-analog converter IC utilizing CMOS technology specially designed for the digital audio applications. The internal conversion architecture is based on a R-2R resister ladder network, internal circuit is well matched and a 16 bit dynamic range is achieved even in whole supply voltage range. SC8211 also enhanced the performance of timing responsibility in digital serial bus, in a company with the fast switching R-2R network that make 8X over sampling audio signal is also supported. SC8211 can be supported wide range of sample frequency, it is compatible with TDA1311 by functionally. It’s digital input timing format is Least Significant Bit Justified (LSBJ), or so called Japanese input format. Digital code format is two’s complement and MSB first. SC8211 is available in 8-pin SOP or DIP. FEATURES CMOS technology Support 3.3V bus input level Low power consumption Two audio channel output in the same chip 16 bit dynamic range Low total harmonic distortion No phase shift between both output channel Available in 8 pins, SOP or DIP APPLICATIONS Digital audio equipment CD ROM/VCD Multimedia sound card MPEG decoder card BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN CONFIGURATION PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name I/O Description Pin No. BCK I Serial bit clock input 1 WS I Word select clock input pin 2 DIN I Data input pin 3 GND - Ground 4 VDD Power Positive power supply 5 LCH O Left channel output 6 NC - No connection 7 RCH O Right channel output 8 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION The serial bus input data format of SC8211 is Japanese or called LSBJ (Least significant bit justified) format. Each valid DIN data will be shifted to the input register in the rising edge of the BCK, only the first 16 bit data (from MSB) is valid if the input data length is more than 16 bit, other data bit will be truncated. The clock frequency of the BCK could run up to 20MHz and supported to 8X over-sampling in 48KHz WS clock rate. Both left and right d


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