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5 生物能学与代谢总论 自由能(Free Energy) 自由能(G):指一个反应体系中能够做功的那部分能量。 自由能对生物体重要,不仅可用以判断生物体内的某一过程能否自发进行,且生物体内能用于作功的能也正是体内生物化学反应释放出的自由能。 1878年,Josiah Willard Gibbs结合热力学第一和第二定律,提出了自由能的公式: ΔG=ΔH-TΔS ΔG代表体系的自由能的变化,ΔH代表体系的热焓变化,ΔS代表熵的变化。 自由能的变化 自由能的变化(ΔG):产物的自由能与反应物的自由能之差,与反应转变过程无关。 标准自由能的变化(ΔG0):298K,101.3KPa,反应物浓度为1mol/L。 生化反应中标准自由能的变化(ΔG0’):298K,101.3KPa,反应物浓度为1mol/L,pH=7。 如 A+B C+D ΔG=(GC+GD)-(GA+GB) ΔG = ΔG0+RTln[C][D]/[A][B] ΔG0 释放自由能,反应自发进行 ΔG=0 只做体积功,不做有用功,反应可逆 ΔG0 反应不能自发进行,需要提供能量 分解代谢和合成代谢途径间的能量关系 分解代谢 (氧化、放能) 合成代谢 (还原、吸能) 糖类 脂肪 蛋白质 细胞大分子 产能营养素 蛋白质 多糖 脂类 核酸 氨基酸 糖 脂肪酸 碱基 前体分子 All animals, most microorganisms, nonphotosynthetic plant tissue such as roots, photosynthetic cells in the dark Organic compounds, e.g., glucose Oxidation- reduction reactions Organic compounds Chemoheterotrophs 化能生物 Nitrifying bacteria; hydrogen, sulfur and iron bacteria Inorganic compounds: H2, H2S, NH4+, NO2-, Fe2+, Mn2+ Oxidation- reduction reactions CO2 Chemoautotrophs 化能自养物 Nonsulfur purple bacteria Organic compounds Light Organic compounds Photoheterotrophs 异养生物 Green plants, algae, cyanobacteria ,?photosynthetic bacteria H2O, H2S, S, other inorganic compounds Light CO2 Photoautotrophs 光合自养生物 Examples Electron Donors Energy Source Carbon Source Classification Metabolic Classification of Organisms According to Their Carbon and Energy Requirements The three stages of catabolism. Stage I: Proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids are broken down into their component building blocks, which are relatively few in number. Stage II: The various building blocks are degraded into the common product, the acetyl groups of acetyl-CoA. Stage III: Catabolism converges to three principal end products: water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia. The Pathways of Catabolism(分解代谢) Converge to a Few End Products 代谢途径中酶组成模式 The ATP cycle in cells (水解) 光合作用 分解代谢 (渗透) The flow of energy in the biosphere is coupled primarily to the carbon and oxygen cycl


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