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幼学琼林 Children’s Readings (明)程登吉 编著 Compiled by Cheng Dengji (Ming Dynasty) (清)邹圣脉 增补 Supplemented by Zou Shengmai (Qing Dynasty) 李照国 译注 Translated and annotated by Li Zhaoguo 卷一 Volume I 天文 Astronomy 混沌初开,乾坤始奠。 混沌:天地未形成之前的元气状态。乾坤:天地。奠:形成。 Separation of the chaos ,laying the foundation for the heavens and the earth. 气之较清上浮者为天,气之重浊下凝者为地。 气:元气。凝:结。《黄帝内经·素问·阴阳应象大论第五》:“故清阳为天,浊阴为地。地气上为云,天气下为雨。雨出地气,云出天气。” The lucid air ascended to form the heavens and the turbid air descended to constitute the earth. 日月五星,谓之七政;天地与人,谓之三才。 五星:指金、木、水、火、土五星。三才:《周易?系辞下》称天道、地道、人道为三才,后用以泛指天、地、人。《文心雕龙?原道》:“仰观吐曜,俯察含章;高卑定位,故两仪既生矣。惟人参之,性灵所钟,是谓三才。”古人认为,天能覆物,地能载物,而人是万物之灵。《文心雕龙?原道》认为,人“为五行之秀,实天地之心。” The moon, the sun and the five stars are known as the seven most important celestial bodies; the heavens, the earth and man are regarded as the greatest powers in the universe. 日为众阳之宗,月乃太阴之象。 虹名螮蝀,乃天地之淫气;月里蟾蜍,是月魄之精光。 宗:宗主,主宰。象:仪象。 The sun is the source of all Yang while the moon is the manifestation of supreme Yin. 螮蝀:音地东。蟾蜍:传说后羿请不死药于西王母,其妻嫦娥窃而食之,奔月宫,遂化为蟾蜍。 The rainbow, known as Didong, is the crystallization of the turbid Qi from the heavens and the earth; the shadow in the moon, compared to a toad, is the accumulation of the lunar essence. 风欲起而石燕飞,天将雨而商羊舞。 风名为羊角,闪电号曰雷鞭。 石燕:零陵山之石燕,遇风雨即飞,雨止复变为石头。商羊:鸟名,传说只有一只。 When wind is about to blow, the Stone Swallow will fly; when it is going to rain, the bird called Shangyang starts to dance. 羊角:《庄子》“有鸟名鹏,翼若垂天之云搏扶摇羊角而上者九万里”。雷鞭:《淮南子》“雷以电为鞭,电光照处,谓之裂缺” Whirlwind is known as Yangjiao (literally goat or sheep horn) while lightning is termed Leibian (literally Thunder Whip). 青女乃霜之神,素娥即月之号。 雷部至捷之鬼曰律令,雷部推车之女曰阿香。 素娥:即嫦娥。 Qingnǚ (literally blue girl) is the name of frost goddess and Su’e (pretty young woman wearing plain clothes) is the title of the moon goddess. 律令:《搜神记》“律令,周穆王时人,善走,死为雷部之鬼”。阿香:雷部推车之鬼。 In the field of thunder, the ghost that runs the fastest is Lǚling and the maiden that pushes the carriage is Axiang. 云师系是丰隆,雪神乃是滕六。列缺乃电之神,望舒是月之御。 歘焱火、谢仙,俱掌雷火;飞廉、箕伯


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