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制浆造纸废水处理站的设计 摘要:造纸废水已成为水体污染重要污染源。该类废水有机物浓度高、悬浮物多,因此厌氧技术成为造纸废水处理中不可缺少的关键技术。 结合造纸废水的水质特点及传统废水处理工艺,本设计把成熟处理方法和先进技术以及节能装置相结合,选用UASB+SBR的联合处理工艺,污水经过纤维回收机,再进入调节池调节水量及pH,再由UASB进行厌氧处理,后进入SBR池进行好氧处理,通过处理,该废水可达标排放,处理后的污水再排入城市污水管道。本设计对造纸废水的处理具有一定的借鉴意义。 本设计主要包括:设计说明书(主要内容有工艺流程设计、处理构筑物和设备的设计计算、投资估算等);设计图纸(包括绘制平面布置图、高程布置图、管道布置图和主要构筑物详图等)。 关键词:造纸废水; UASB+SBR工艺;设计 The Design Of Treatment Plant Of Pulp And Papermaking Wastewater Abstract: Become of high organic concentrations and suspended solids, the papermaking wastewater has been one mainly pollution source of water. And the method of anaerobic technology is adopted to treat papermaking wastewater by degrees. According to characteristics of papermaking wastewater, traditional wastewater treatment process and advanced Energy-Saving device, this paper elects the joint UASB + SBR process to treat sewage: fiber is recycled from sewage by Fiber-Recycling machine, re-entry adjustment pool of water and pH, and then carried out by the UASB anaerobic treatment, the following is to enter the SBR tank for aerobic treatment, through treatment, the wastewater can be discharged, treated and then discharged into the sewage pipeline. The design of wastewater treatment of paper making has a certain reference. This design include: the design specification (the design process mainly to deal with the design of structures and equipment, the investment estimates, etc.); design drawings (including floor plan drawing, elevation layout, piping layout and details of major structures such as ). Keywords: Papermaking wastewater, UASB + SBR Process, Design 目录 第1章 前言 1 1.1 造纸废水的简介 1 1.1.1 引言 1 1.1.2 造纸废水处理的实际意义 1 1.1.3 国内外研究现状 1 1.1.4 处理工艺现状 1 1.1.5 工程设计方案的选择原则 3 1.2 设计概况 4 1.2.1 设计名称 4 1.2.2 设计内容 4 1.2.3 设计主管单位 4 1.2.4 设计编制原则 4 1.2.5 工程技术采用的主要技术规范和标准 5 第2章 工程概况 6 2.1 设计的基本规划 6 2.1.1 处理方案的选择 6 2.1.2 污水治理规划与对策 6 2.1.3 污水处理系统的设计规模 6 2.1.4 水质目标 6 2.2 工程技术参数 7 2.2.1 设计规模 7 2.2.2 污水量变化系数 7 2.



