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本科生毕业论文 题 目: 基于web的作业管理系统 系 别: 专 业: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 摘要 现代科技的日新月异,使我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。高校的教学方式也在不断的发生 新的变化。计算机教学和多媒体技术的普及已成为高校教学的一种趋势。利用计算机网络技术进行对学生上机课课堂作业及其他电子版作业进行管理,具备以下几个优点:能方便的进行学生电子作业管理,比如布置作业和上交作业。教师能方便准确的布置好作业,有利于是先数据信息的共享,减轻管理员和教师的上机的工作负荷,使作业的管理更加科学、规范和安全。因此,设计一个性能良好,简单好用的基于web的作业管理系统是十分的必要。 该论文主要从作业管理系统的分析,设计和开发的全部过程。结合数据流图,ER图,程序流程图等对系统的设计过程进行详尽的描述。本文共分成绪论、需求分析、开发技术、系统的设计、代码的编码等着几个部分。该系统采用的是B/S的开发模式,开发语言是JAVA语言,主要使用的开发工具是Myeclipse8.6和MySQL数据库。主要使用的技术是JSP、JavaBean、Servlet、html等,使用的服务器是Tomcat。 关键字:jsp,java,servlet,分布式,javaBean,文件上传、下载,mysql,B/S开发模式 ABSTRACT Modern technology advances, so that our life has undergone enormous changes. College teaching methods are constantly undergoing new changes. Computer education and popularization of multimedia technology has become a trend in university teaching. Use of computer network technology on student-on classroom assignments and other class work electronically managed, have the following advantages: to facilitate the conduct of student electronic job management, such as homework assignments and on. Teachers can facilitate accurate layout of good jobs, enabling the sharing of information so the first data, administrators and teachers to reduce the workload on the machine, so that operations management more scientific, standardized and secure. Therefore, the design of a good performance, easy to use web-based job management system is very necessary. The paper mainly from the job management system analysis, design and development of the whole process. Combines data flow diagram, ER diagram, process flow chart of the system design process detailed description. This paper is divided into an introduction, needs analysis, development of technology, system design, code, coding waited several parts. The system uses B / S pattern of development, development of language is JAVA language, the main use




