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中国矿业大学银川学院 201 届本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 供电系统设计 所 在 系 专业班级 姓名 指导教师 教务处 S1790综采工作面供电系统设计 S1790 fully mechanized coal face power supply ststem design 毕业设计(论文)共 25 页 完成日期:2012年5月15日 答辩日期:2012年5月17日 摘 要 本采区供电设计从实际出发,进行了系统分析,除满足一般设计规程及规范要求外,还满足,煤矿安全规程的具体要求和标准.本设计变压器选用隔爆型干式变压器和矿用隔爆型移动变电站;[9]高压开关和与低压馈电开关都选用具有技术先进的智能化综合保护装置的高压防爆真空配电装置,和低压矿用隔爆型真空馈电开关;[8]控制负载的开关选用矿用隔爆型真空启动器;高压铠装电缆选用交联聚乙烯绝缘聚乙烯护套电力电缆。[8]通过短路电流、开关继电保护整定的计算和保护接地的确定,使其设计可靠性高,功能完善,组合灵活以及功耗低,保证采区供电安全,经济、高效、平稳运行。[1] 关键词:供电设计;负荷统计计算;移动变电站;电缆 Abstract The power supply design from reality, has carried on the system analysis, in addition to meet the general design procedures and requirements, but also to meet safety regulations in coal mines, specific requirements and standards. The design of transformer selection flameproof dry-type transformer and mining flameproof movable substation; high voltage switch and low voltage feed switch selection of the advanced technology of intelligent comprehensive protective device of high voltage explosion proof vacuum distribution device, and the low voltage flameproof vacuum feed switch; switch that controls a load selection of mining flameproof vacuum starter; high pressure armored cable with XLPE insulated PE sheathed power cable. The short circuit current, switch and relay protection setting calculation and protection of grounding is determined, the design of high reliability, perfect function, flexible combination and low power consumption, ensure the power supply security, economic, efficient, stable operation. Key words: power supply ; load calculation; mobile substation; cable 目录 1.概述 1 2.综采工作面负荷统计及移动变电站的选择 2 2.1 1140V负荷统计 2 2.2移动变电站的选择: 3 2.3 1#组变压器容量选择: 3 3.电缆截面的选择 6 3.1 6KV高压电缆截面的选择: 6 3.2 1140V电缆截面的选择: 6 3.3 660V设备负荷统计及电缆截面选择 7 3.4对电缆进行电压损失校验: 9 3.6溜子电机的电缆校验: 11 3.7 乳化泵的电缆校验: 13 3.8 660V干线电缆校验: 14 4.开关整定值计算 16 4.1 开关整定计算 16 4.2馈电开关整定值 16 4.3 1号馈电开关整定值 17 4.4



