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企业介绍 LG = Lucky Goldstar,LG集团,1995年前称为Lucky Goldstar,韩国第三大公司,属下有44家公司,在全球有大约300个办事处和下属企业,所涉及产品包括LG手机、电视、数码影音、电脑办公及BSV液晶拼接屏。前身是乐喜化学工业会社。现在LG一般认为是Life is Good的缩写。 LG集团创立于1947年,年销售额高达730亿元(2011年数据),全球目前拥有17万员工。是领导世界产业发展的国际性企业集团。LG集团目前在171个国家与地区建立了300多家海外办事机构。事业领域覆盖化学能源、电机电子、机械金属、贸易服务、金融以及公益事业、体育等六大领域。而LG电子是LG集团最大的子公司。LG集团不断向无穷的技术领域发起挑战,并致力于新技术的开发,科研开发是LG的发展重点,也是业务拓展的强大后盾。LG集团在世界6个国家设立了31所研究中心,科研开发的投入已占集团总收入的5%。目前正通过海外研究机构,进一步加强着自身的技术力量,LG集团在美国的芝加哥、圣佛塞、圣迭亚哥,在日本的仙台、在德国的都塞夫和爱尔兰的都柏林等地的科研机构正在利用高尖端的科研设备,大力开展各项科研活动,为实现高科技社会的早日到来而努力。 LG办公楼“双子大厦” Definition: In departmentation by product ,a production unit is set up for each good or service. This approach is mainly adopted by large organisations , but can work effectively in smaller ones.Top management can delegate wide authority to a division or plant that manufactures and sells a product or family of products (or services) Advantages: Aids specialisation of staff and equipment. Coordination is facilitated and customers may get better service. Responsibility for profit can be introduced by setting a standard for a product department with the manager responsible for most of the functions involved. Managers are given a wider responsibility .For example, responsibility for a section of a retail store could be given to a manager with he or she being responsible for all functions of the section. It is not usual for all functions to form part of product grouping. Usually finance and human resource management are centralised ,central control being deemed imperative , although some aspects of finance or HR may come under the local product manager. Disadvantages : Difficulty of maintaining coordination among product areas , i.e. Between those looking after one family of products and others . Duplication of some activities in each product group. Super Junior 旗下产品 1.手机 LG手机,是一家曾被称为“韩国企业集团中最因循守旧”的公司。 其企业LOGO是一张象形的人脸。许多人说,它上面那一只张着一只闭着的眼代表乐观看世界;LG的人说,它象征着韩国人的生机活力。而对于在LG公司工作了30多年的副会长卢庸岳先生,他说这是一张未来之脸,它包含着LG公司走出国门、走入世界、走向未来


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