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补全对话专练 补全对话是中考、中招英语试卷上的题型,旨在测试考生运用日常交际用语的实际水平。补全对话内容的鲜明特点是考查语言的交际运用,交际性、口语化是其特征,也可以认为是口试考查的替代题目之一。补全对话题目在英语中考及平时的测试中都有一定比重。   补全对话命题时对话内容一般都控制在《日常交际用语细目表》的规定范围之内。它通常涉及看病、问路、打电话、邀约、购物、借东西、家中待客等话题,也有就日常生活中常见情景设定对话的考题。   在特定的情景中,交际运用的语言常有一定模式,要求应试者熟练掌握在不同情景中的常用语。   补全对话的考题常见的有对话填词、对话填句子、对话选择(七选五或五选五等)、对话配对等。’m 3 to hear that. B: I want to 4 him. Do you 5 the way to the North Street Hospital? A: Yes. You can take the No.3 bus. Get 6 at the North Street. Then 7 along the road, take the turning 8 the right. Walk on and 9 left. You can’t 10 it. B: Thank you very much. (二) A: Excuse me, how can I 1 to the post office? B: Sorry, I don’t know. I’m 2 here. Please ask the policeman. Maybe he 3 . A: Thank you all the same. (To the policeman) Excuse me, 4 you tell me the way to the post office? C: Certainly. Go 5 this road and turn right 6 the traffic lights. Then go on until you reach the 7 . You will find it 8 to the police station. A: Is it far 9 here? B: No, it’s only five minutes’ walk. A: Thank you very much. C: 10 pleasure. (三) A: (Knocks into an old man) Sorry, did I hurt you? B: Oh, I’m OK. Don’t 1 about it, young man, You seem to be in a great 2 . A: Yes, I’m 3 here. I’m looking for the People’s Hospital. Could you tell me the way, please? B: Go down this street until you reach the first crossing, then 4 right and you will find it in 5 of you. A: How 6 is it from here? B: It’s about 2 kilometers. A: But can I take a bus? B: Oh, sorry, there is no bus to go there. You’d 7 take a taxi. A: I see. You are very really 8 . Sorry to give you so much 9 . B: No 10 . (四) A: Excuse me, 1 the nearest hospital, please? B: Sorry, I don’t know. You’d better 2 the policeman over there. He may know. A: Thank


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