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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读同义词大全(1) 分享到: 新 托福 考试高分突破——阅读 1 abandon = give up 放弃,中止 A catastrophe made people abandon their studies.一场灾难迫使人们放弃了学业。 2 abrupt = sudden 突然的,出其不意的 The abrupt death discouraged many young people.这个突发死亡事件让很多年轻人感到气馁。 3 abundant = plentiful, ample 充裕的,丰富的 California has a hard time providing abundant water to its population.加利福尼亚州处境艰难,不能为居民提供充足的水源。 4 accede = assent, agree 同意,答应 The government will accede to our proposal.政府会同意我们的提议。 5 accessible = reachable 易使用的 New facilities in this university are accessible to foreign students.外国学生可以方便地使用这所大学的新设备。 6 account for = explain 解释,说明 The figures in this table account for an increase in job openings.表格中的数据解释了工作机会增加的原因。 7 accumulate = collect 积累,集聚 The rich tend to spend more time accumulating wealth.富人往往花更多的时间积累财富。 | 8 acquit = release 宣判…无罪 The supreme court acquitted Mr. Wesley of the charges of fraud.最高法院撤消了对韦斯利先生欺诈罪的指控,宣判其无罪。 9 adequate = enough 足够的,充分的 The most challenging part in interviews is when there is no adequate word to express my thought. 面试中最具挑战性的环节就是去充分地表达我的看法。 10 adhere = stick, cling 黏附,附着 Wax easily adheres to objects.蜡容易黏到物体上。 11 adroit = dexterous 灵巧的 Choreographers should be aware of the beauty of adroit skills.编舞者应该明白灵巧的舞技所具的美感。 12 advent = arrival 出现,带来 Since the advent of computers, many goods have been imported faster.自从计算机出现以来,很多商品的进口速度都加快了。 13 affluent = wealthy, better-off 富裕的,富足的 The affluent in that country have become far better-off due to the Government’s industrial policy.由于政府的工业政策,那个国家的富人已经变得更加富裕。 14 aimless = purposeless 无目的的,没有目标的 After failing to achieve your goal, you should get yourself revitalized in order not to become aimless. 鉴于目标未能达成,你应该重新振作,以免变得没有目标。 | ? 2010 外语教学与研究出版社 新 托福考试 高分突破——阅读 15 aggravate = worsen, exacerbate 使恶化 Depression in Japan aggravated the stock market.日本的经济萧条使得股市恶化。 16 agile = quick and active (思维)机敏的 Being agile is one of the crucial qualities to be a leader.头脑机敏是一个领导者的重要才能之一。 17 alternate = rotate 轮流,交替


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