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怀化芷江舞水大桥初步设计 杨曙光 湖南城市学院 摘要:本次毕业设计主要是关于怀化芷江舞水大桥上部结构的设计。根据市勘测设计院提供的工程地质资料,和工程实际,提出三种不同的桥型方案进行比较和选择:①预应力混凝土连续梁桥、②预应力混凝土刚构桥、③斜拉桥。本着“安全、经济、美观、实用”的八字原则,及预应力混凝土连续梁桥结构受力性能好、行车平顺舒适等优点,确定该桥型为推荐方案。 设计过程中,通过分析桥梁结构在使用过程中的恒载及活载作用,考虑不同的荷载安全系数进行荷载组合,将极限状态的两种内力组合结果作为估算钢束的计算内力。估算出各截面的钢束后,按照一定要求将钢束布置好,重新模拟施工并考虑预应力作用,进行作用的第二次组合,以进行施工及使用过程中的截面强度验算、应力验算及变形验算。各项验算均满足要求且设计合理,则设计通过。为提高设计效率及准确度,设计中我采用桥梁博士软件进行计算,并充分利用了CAD、WORD、EXCELL等办公软件来整理设计文件。 本设计桥梁跨度为60m+3×100m+60m, 采用单箱单室,桥面宽17.6m,分为4车道。主梁采用采用平衡悬臂浇筑施工。 关键词:预应力混凝土连续梁桥;极限状态;平衡悬臂浇注 Huaihua Zhijiang Wushui Bridge Prelimilary Disign Yang Shuguang HUNAN CITY UNIVERSITY Abstract:The graduate design is mainly about the design of superstructure of HUAIHUA WUSHUI long-span pre-stressed concrete continuous box girder bridge. According with the geological condition provided by design situation and the local condition I present three design plan:①Pre-stressed concrete continuous box girder bridge,②Rigid frame bridge,③Cable-stayed bridge. Considering the principle of “safety、economy、beauty、practicability” and the advantage of Pre-stressed concrete continuous girder bridge I take that plan as the prior plan. Through analyzing internal force of the dead loads and live loads at the stage of using and considering the different safety factor of the force I calculate the design value of combination for action effects of the limit states and estimate the area of steel of the bridge. As the steel is assigned reasonably, we should imitate the construction process secondly and consider the affect of the pre-stressed steel, then calculate the combined force of the limited condition again, which is for checking the force of the construction stage and the using stage. If the force can meet the need and the design is reasonable then the design is advisable. During the process of the design I make good use of the software such as DOCTORBRIGE、CAD、WORD and EXCELL to optimize my design. The spans of the bridge are 60+3?00+60om,which the main beam is


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