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扁平疣的现代中医疗法 王居里 (陕西海棠中医美容研究所有限公司天津地区经理) 文摘:扁平疣是一种皮肤赘生物,好发于颜面,前臂,手背等处。西医认为是人类乳头瘤感染而致;中医认为本病由风热毒邪侵袭肌肤客于体表,则气血郁结,凝聚成疣;或腠理不密,卫外失固,邪毒乘隙等均能致病。近年来,扁平疣发病人数成增多趋势。且病程缠绵难愈,部分患者治后易复发成为美容界又一关注问题。天津及其周边地区尤为多见,我们采用王海棠系列产品必要时配以针灸辅助治疗,临床上取得了非常好的疗效,本文结合大量的临床病例系统阐述了扁平疣的临床表现,病因病机,治疗方案及取得成果。 关键词:扁平疣,中医,王海棠,人类乳头瘤 The Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Flat Wart Wang Juli (The manager in Tian Jin area of Shan Xi Haitang research institute limited company of traditional Chinese medicine) Abstract: The flat wart is a vegetation of skin, which is usually in the face, forearm and dorsum of hand. The west medicine think it is infected by the papilloma of human; The traditional Chinese medicine think the wind-heat and pathogenic poison attack the skin and muscle and stay the thermometer, then that cause accumulation of qi and blood and get together and then come into being wart; On the other hand, the reason that make the disease is the muscular interstices loosing, defend the surface but loose the solidify and pathogenic poison enter. In recently years, more and more people have flat wart. And the course of disease is lingering and hard to cure. It is an important problem in facial that some patients are cured but relapse easily, and it is usually in Tian Jin and the area near it. We use products of Wang Haitang and some times use acupllncture and moxibustion to help treatment, and it has good curative effect in clinical manifestation. This article with a lot of clinical case explain in detail the clinical manifestation, cause of disease, the ways of treatment of flat wart and the positive result. The developing of science and technology make human’s life expedient, but bring the different populate at the same time. Viral disease is improving persistently in recent years. SARS and grippe of animal have warned people in succession. Flat wart as a viral dermatosis is growing and affecting our healthy life, this becomes a popular topic of conversation in facial.


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