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每个人一生中值得去尝试一次的五大好工作   Waiter   服务员   It is one of the most basic of jobs and, in fact, quite a number of people (like Lady Gaga and Jen Aniston) have actually done this at some point of their lives. As you wait on tables, you learn qualities like patience, humility and subservience. The best part is that you earn more in tips that would make your salary look tiny.   这是最基本的工作。事实上,很多人(像 Lady Gaga和珍妮弗·安妮斯顿)在他们人生中的某个阶段都做过这份工作。当你在桌旁等候时,你学到了耐心、谦卑和服从。这份工作最好的部分是你会发现你收到的小费比工资还要多。   Baby sitter   保姆   It might be justified if you wouldnt want to associate yourself with what you consider a girls job. However, this job deserves at least one go because it might help you in your later life, apart from helping you make some extra bucks. Before marriage, men usually find kids extremely annoying and even repulsive to a great extent. When you opt for baby-sitting as a job, you learn how to deal with the very babies that made you cringe before. This could, in fact, be the first step you could take towards fatherhood and would be a great thing to do before you plan to start your own family. Even Anne Hathaway was a baby sitter before she hit it big time in Hollywood (if thats any consolation).   可能男性不想把自己和一份女性的工作联系起来,这很合情合理。然而,这份工作值得你去做一次,因为除了能帮你赚一些外快,对你以后的生活也很有帮助。 在结婚前,男人通常会觉得小孩子很烦,甚至在很大程度上会排斥他们。当你做保姆时,你将学会照顾以前不愿靠近的婴儿。实际上,这是你当爸爸的第一步,也是 在你计划建立自己家庭之前非常重要的一件事情。就连公主安妮·海瑟薇在好莱坞走红之前也做过保姆。(如果这算是安慰的话。)   Salesman   推销员   For the thrill of convincing someone to pay you money for something they dont need. The more you succeed in it, the more your feeling of awesomeness. Learning the tricks of the selling trade not only adds to your smartness but also to your inherent ability to manipulate others. Also, there certainly is some charm to a job that was Jerry Seinfields first.   说服别人去买他们并不需要的东西并从中赚钱,你会感到兴奋。你的推销工作越成功,你的感觉就越棒。学习销售的技巧不仅会让你更聪明,而且还能学会控制他人。如果你知道这是美国喜剧演员杰瑞·宋飞的第一份工作,你是不是会觉得这份工作很有魅力呢?   Customer Service Representative   客服代表   This particular job is more like stepping into somebody elses sh


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