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诚信申明 本人申明: 我所呈交的本科毕业设计(论文)是本人在导师指导下对四年专业知识而进行的研究工作及全面的总结。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中创新处不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得北京化工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而已经使用过的材料。与我一同完成毕业设计(论文)的同学对本课题所做的任何贡献均已在文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。 本人签名: 年 月 日 采购内部控制对企业效益的影响 ——以河北省石灵碳素制品公司为例 梁倩茹 会计专业 0812班 学号080302356 指导教师 杨鑫教授 刘晓助教 摘 要 采购的内部控制已经得到越来越广泛的关注,不论是生产型企业的原料采购,商品流通业的产品采购还是经营性的资产采购,现如今采购的控制环节已经成为了各个行业争夺利润的来源。完善企业采购的内部控制,加强采购内部控制与企业的效益的相结合成为了生产企业保持顺利发展的决策。 本论文以河北省石灵碳素制品公司为例,来进行采购内部控制对企业效益影响的研究。应用了文献与访谈结合的方法,通过相关的专业知识和本人在企业内部的实习以及对关键人员的访问基础上得出了一些针对性较强,具有可行性的方案,从而有利于企业健康快速的成长。但由于学业能力的局限性,其结论并非适用于普遍的相关企业。本论文的针对性较强,石灵碳素制品公司应克服内外双重压力,完善采购内部控制的管理,获得既定的目标利润。 关键词:材料采购 内部控制 效益分析 The Influence of Internal Control of Purchase on Company’s Profit ——Taking He Be Shi Ling Carbon Product Make Company for Example Abstract The internal control of purchase bas been paid a widely attention, no matter it is creative company’s arterial purchase or goods exchange company’s product purchase or management company’s external purchase, nowadays the progress of internal control of purchase has been an important source of profit to every company. The healthy development of creative company has plaid an important role to contribute our social market economy further improvement as well as a very essential element to promote the social development. This paper takes the He Be Shi Ling Carbon Product Make Company for example to make a further study about the internal control of purchase’s influence on company’s profit. Generally speaking, the key element to affect the company’s’ benefit is the control of cost. After the experience of my practice in the company and my interview to some key staffs of the company, I have drawn some planes which are amyl and useful, that is to say, these planes are good to the company’s fast healthy development. This paper is very useful; the Shi Ling Company should conquer the pressure from both inner and out. And the most important for the company is to improve t


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