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摘 要
本次设计是在工程量清单计价模式下,招标方提供的招标文件、设计图纸和工程量清单为基础,对分部分项清单逐个校核后再逐个套用定额子目计算定额工程量,最后运用广联达GBQ 4.0计价软件计算出各项综合单价,得到整个工程的最终投标报价。对招标文件做了实质性响应,招标文件要求的实体工程的投标文件。随着我国建筑行业与国际建筑行业的接轨,工程量清单计价模式在我国得到了广泛的应用。工程量清单计价模式实行量价分离的报价方法,可以有效避招投标市场的不透明行为,为建立公开、公正、公平的工程计价和竞价的市场环境有十分积极的作用。工程量清单计投标文件广联达软件It can effectively avoid the lack of transparency of behavior in the bidding market. The model plays a positive role in establishment of openness, justice, fairness engineering valuation and competitive market environment. The design is under the bill of engineering quantities of pricing model, Tender Offer is based on the bidding documents, design drawing, then one by one check the list of sub-part and apply the fixed core and calculate the fixed quantities, finally, apply the guang lian da GBQ 4.0 software to calculate the comprehensive unit price, obtain the whole project of the Tender Offer. Making a substantive response to the bidding documents, complete tender documents which satisfy the requirements of the bidding documents. With Chinas construction industry market integrating with the international construction industry market, the bill of engineering quantities of valuation model becomes popular in our country. The BOQ of valuation model carry out the separation of quantities and price.
【Keywords】: Design BOQ pricing;Tender documents; Guang lian da software;
Residential building
目 录
1 投标函、开标一览表及公司资信 1
1.1 投标函及投标函附录 1
1.2投标保证金或投标银行保函 2
1.3 法定代表人授权委托书 4
2 工程概况 5
2.1 工程简介 5
2.1.1基础工程 5
2.1.2楼地面工程 5
2.1.3粉刷工程 5
2.1.4屋面工程 6
2.1.5砌体 6
2.1.6其他 6
2.2 建筑安装和结构特征 6
2.3 施工条件 6
2.4 工程范围 6
2.5 工程特点 6
3 工程量清单 7
3.1 总说明 7
3.2分部分项工程量清单 7
3.3 措施项目清单 27
3.4规费、税金项目清单 31
4 工程量清单计价表 32
4.1 投标总价 32
4.2 单位工程造价汇总表 32
4.3 分部分项工程量清单计价表 32
4.4 措施项目清单计价表 45
4.5规费、税金项目清单计价表 48
4.6工程量清单综合单价分析表 49
4.7要材料、设备差价表 60
附件 67
参考文献 68
致 谢 69
1 投标函、开标一览表及公司资信
1.1 投标函及投标函附录