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摘 要 随着电子产业的发展,电子产品在人们的日常生活中起到越来越重要的主要。人们对电子产品的薄、轻、小型化的需求,使得电子产品朝着薄、轻、小型化不断发展。 电子元件是电子产品的重要组成部分,其性能直接影响着电子产品的质量,因此对电子元件的检测就显得尤为重要。传统的目检测是用放大镜等直接人工识别,耗费的时间和劳力多而且精度低,为了减轻以往作业量,且让出货作业更准确,并降低检测成本,所以设计这样一套电子元件目检测设备。 本设备是通过放料机构将电子原件放在料带中,然后通过传动机构输送到摄像头下,并通过显示屏放大,便于人工识别,以达到将不同型号的电子元件分拣开的目的,同时还可以控制电子元件放料和收料的速度,实现电子元件在料带上的间歇性运动。该设备可以改变传统目检测的不足,大大提高工人工作效率,减轻劳动强度并提高工作的准确度。课题基于机械设计理论,确定了电子元件目检设备的方案,根据设备运动形式和运动参数的要求确定原动机的类型和参数,设计出各组成机构的零、部件的材料、外形及基本尺寸,绘制相应的装配图以及主要零部件图。 关键词:电子元件;目检设备;料带。 Abstract As the electronics industry, electronic products play in peoples daily lives more and more important major. Electronic products, people thin, light, small demand makes electronic products toward the thin, light, small growing. Electronic components is an important part of electronic products, its performance directly affects the quality of electronic products, so the detection of electronic components is particularly important. The traditional objective test are identified with a magnifying glass and other direct labor, time and labor consuming more and low precision, in order to reduce the amount of past work, and make more accurate shipping operations, and reduce testing costs, design such a test head of electronic components equipment. The device is expected to take place electronic components, through transmission transported to the next camera and zoom through the screen, easy to manual identification, the sorting of different types of electronic components open at the same time control the discharge of electronic components and materials received speed. The device can greatly improve the efficiency of workers and reduce labor intensity and improve accuracy. Subject-based mechanical design theory, determine the purpose of electronic component testing machine, the program, according to the form and motion parameters for Motions requirements to determine the type and parameters of the original Dongji to design the composition of body parts and components of the


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