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书面表达反思 -----如何运用较高级词汇 黑龙江省大庆市第五十六中学 荆棘 2016.1.8 高考英语书面表达考查考生对语言的综合运用能力。应在了解最高档次书面表达的具体要求的前提下开展对书面表达题型的备考训练,做到有的放矢,以提高得分率。评分标准对最高档次的书面表达的要求主要有:应用了较多的语法结构和词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。由此可见,那种虽然内容要点齐全,但句式单一、缺乏高级和语法结构的书面表达因无闪光点而无法取得高分。 较高级词汇的选择和运用,不仅能为文章增色,而且能体现作者的综合语言能力。在解答书面表达题时,尽可能运用较高级词汇是增添得分亮点的一个有效途径。首先,应明确较高级词汇并非都是指课本上从未出现过的词语,更不是在备考的有限时间里刻意去背大量的课外词汇。这里的较高级词汇,指的是那种能够化平淡为不凡,给评卷人一种与众不同的印象的词语。 【实例分析一】 1. Li Hua likes to help others and he is liked by all the people around him. 2. Li Hua is always ready to help others and he is popular with the people around him. 【实例分析二】 1. A new building is being built in our school. 2. A new building is under construction in our school. 【实例分析三】 1. This picture makes me think of those who succeed in poor conditions. 2. This picture reminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions. 【实例分析四】 1.It is our duty to use water wisely by recycling water in our daily life. 2. It is everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling water in our daily life. 【实例分析五】 1. We hope that you will accept our invitation if you are not busy. 2. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. 【实例分析六】 1. We all miss you and thank you for what you did for us. 2. We all miss you and are very grateful for what you did for us. 【实例分析七】 1. I advised him to stop smoking, but he didn’t take my advice. 2. I advised him to stop smoking, but he turned a deaf ear to me. 【实例分析八】 1. Our class is a happy family, which is made up of 22 boys and 18 girls. 2. Our class is a happy family, which consists of 22 boys and 18 girls. 【实例分析九】 1. The mother, who loves her children very much, works hard day and night. The mother, who is devoted to her children, works hard day and night. 【实例分析十】 1. I’m not free now, because I have a lot of work to do. 2. I’m as busy as a bee, because I have endless work to do. 【实战演练大看台】 [写作任务


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