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1. in the 1940s 在20世纪40年代 2. tiny = very small 很小 3. be unaware of 没有意识到 4. depend on 依赖;依靠 5. more than 多于 1. calculate v. 计算 2. at s faster speed 以更快的速度 3. in addition 除此以外 4. railway 地铁 5. flying plane 飞机 6. spaceship 宇宙飞船 1. new ideas 新思想 2. one day 某一天,多用于过去时或将来时 3. be able to 能够,类似于情态动词can,后加动词原形 4. be better at 更擅长 be good at 的比较级 5. what will happen to us if computers can do all our jobs? 如果计算机能做完我们的工作,我们会怎 么样? 6.. have nothing to do 无事可做 * * Reading Module 2 Science and technology Oxford English Unit 3 Computers Brainstorm Computer type calculate 1 The _________ shows words and pictures. 2 We use the _________ for typing. 3 The “brain” of a computer is in the ___________. 4 We move the _________ to control the computer. 5 We hear sound from the __________. How much do you know about computers? Look at the photo below and complete the sentences with the correct names. Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings of the article on page 35. Then tick (?) the facts that the article probably talks about. 1 Computers are getting smaller and better. 2 Computers can do important jobs like flying planes. 3 Computers may work as doctors. 4 Computers are expensive. Before you read 3 A sub-heading usually tells us the topic of the paragraph(s) below it. sub-headings Look at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings of the article on page 35. Then tick (?) the facts that the article probably talks about. ? ? ? 1 Computers are getting smaller and better. 2 Computers can do important jobs like flying planes. 3 Computers may work as doctors. 4 Computers are expensive. Smaller and better In the 1940s, the first computers were bigger than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better.(比较级) Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of them. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You depend on computers more than you realize


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