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做了烤瓷以后到底能用多长时间它和很多的因素有关。?1.您牙齿的本身情况?烤瓷牙的使用时间和您牙齿的本身情况关系密切,一般来说,如果您本身的牙齿是那种又粗又长的,做了烤瓷以后使用的时间就长。如果您是做牙齿美容的,那么原来是氟斑牙的大于四环素牙的,大于原来是那种广泛龋坏的。如果您是镶牙的,那么缺牙越多的使用时间越短。带的好牙越多的使用时间越长(那也不能因此而多带啊!)如果您是包冠保护死髓牙的。那么剩下的牙体组织越多,使用寿命越长。?2.您的医生和您的技工的水平。?这个不难理解。如果医生和技工的水平比较高,做出来的烤瓷肯定使用的更久。3.您选择的材料。?其他情况都一样的时候,当然选择好的材料可以使用的更久一些。一般来说,贵的材料更好,一分钱一分货。不过也不完全,适合您的材料是最好的。?4.您的使用情况。?您的使用情况也很重要。您每天用烤瓷吃蛋糕和每天用它吃排骨那肯定是不一样的。您买个宝马在山区开,我买个夏利在市里开。可能您的车先坏。是不??5.您的经济情况和个人的忍耐力。?这也有关系。有些人娇气,有一点问题都受不了。那么可能烤瓷牙有了一点小的毛病。也可以接着用的。她就是受不了。如果赶上经济条件还好,那可能5年就换新的了。有些人皮实。烤瓷都出现很多问题了。他还能用。那可能30.40年了。他还在用。?一个电视的使用寿命到底是多少年?我看和烤瓷牙差不多吧! Filtek Z250 Universal Resin Composite
- By USAF Dental Evaluation Consultation Service ??1/19/2006 3M cla that Z250 Universal Resin Composite has enhanced optical properties, excellent handling characteristics, rapid curing (20 seconds for a 2.5-mm thickness), and low shrinkage. Z250 resin is based on the Z100 system which consists of Bis-GMA (Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate) and a low-viscosity resin called TEGDMA (tri[ethylene glycol] dimethacrylate). Z250 differs in composition in that it contains a blend of UDMA (urethane dimethacrylate) and Bis-EMA (Bisphenol A polyethylene glycol diether dimethacrylate) in place of TEGDMA. This resin blend has a higher molecular weight that is said to reduce the polymerization shrinkage of Z250 as well as reduce aging effects and increase fracture toughness. Z250 is also purported to be quite hydrophobic and, therefore, less sensitive to atmospheric moisture. Z250 is filled to 60 percent by volume with zirconia/silica particles having a size range of 0.01 to 3.5 microns and an average size of 0.6 micron. Compared to Z100, Z250 contains a greater number of smaller particles. 3M instructions recommend a short (20-second) light curing time for each 2.5-mm increment of most of the shades. The resin is available in 15 shades and has a three-year shelf life, according to 3M. It is recommended for anterior and posterior direct and indirec