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兰州工业学院 毕业论文 题目 中小企业融资问题的研究 系 别 经济贸易系 专 业 金融会计 班 级 金会10 姓 名 李 梦 洁 学 号 201011103114 指导教师(职称) 张双兰(讲师) 日 期 2012年12月17日 摘 要 随着我国市场经济的深化和经济体制改革的深入,中小企业在我国国民经济中占据了半壁江山,己经成为推动我国经济社会发展的支柱力量。我国中小企业数量众多,经济成分多元化,非国有制经济占主体,产业分布广泛,创新研发能力有待提高,生存和发展环境需进一步改善。中小企业发展中遇到资金短缺、创新能力不足、人力资本缺乏、管理不规范等很多问题,而融资困难己成为制约其生存和发展的“瓶颈”。 目前我国中小企业发展资金中自筹资金占较大比例,通过资本市场融资基本处十空白,外部融资过分依靠银行贷款,所获贷款远远不能满足发展需要。融资困难的原因主要来自企业、金融机构和政府三个方面。中小企业经营风险高、盈利能力差、固定资产少,信誉度低造成的融资能力低下是内在原因,中小企业与银行之间的信息不对称、融资保障体系不完善和国内金融业自身的整合与贷款紧缩是主要原因,政府体制下的金融环境和金融体制是更深层的原因。 关键词:中小企业、融资、问题、对策 Abstract With the deepening of marketing economy and reform in China, small-and-medium-size enterprises have accounted for half of the total economy. Unfortunate, they are facing many difficulties nowadays, such as shortage of capital, scant innovations, lack of human resources and nonstandard manganese so an and so forth, financing problems, in particular, has become a “bottle neck”, which severely hinders the economy. Essentially, financing ways are systematically arranged, especially under marketing economy, the financing modes will not only be confined with the enterprise itself, but be bounded on economically financial circumstances and financial system of a country. In China, there are three main factors that effect the financing problem of small-and-medium-size enterprises, namely, enterprises themselves, financing organization and Government of which high managing risks, poor profitability and shortage of fixed assets are the interior reason, more important is that the information between bank and enterprises is not on the basis of reciprocity and the loans are cut down, the financial circles in China are being integrated. The financial circumstances and systems led by the government are the deeper reasons. Key words:small-and-medium size enterprises、financing problems、counter measures 目录 1.前言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2研究的意义 1 1.


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