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西南林业大学 本科毕业(设计)论文 ( 届) 题目: 甘蔗种植机覆土、压土、覆膜系统设计 教学院(系、部)交通与机械学院专业机械设计制造及其自化 学生姓名: 李尤令 指导教师: 杨灿宇 职称: 讲师 评 阅 人 年 月 日 摘要 种植是甘蔗生产过程中劳动强度最大和最重要的环节之一,实现甘蔗种植的高产量,高效益,高品质和降低生产成本是当前甘蔗生产的主要课题,也是加入WTO以后与国际接轨的迫切需要。目前,我国甘蔗种植生产相对发达国家和地区栽培技术较为落后,甘蔗生产种植粗放、管理欠佳,施肥不科学、肥料的利用率转化率低,病虫害防治不到位,抵御自然灾害能力差,机械化生产应用比例不大,劳动力付出多,这些问题严重制约了甘蔗的现代农业发展推进。传统播种是靠人工或半人工半机械完成耕耘、播种、覆土等工序,将裸种播入田间的。今天,这种使用了数千年的播种方法,面临着新的问题:不利于机械化大规模作业,不利于精细化管理。因此,本文以此为出发点,着重对甘蔗种植机覆土、压土、覆膜系统的研究和设计;从而实现甘蔗生产的机械化和现代化。 本文概括了国内外甘蔗种植机发展的现状,分析了近年来我国甘蔗种植现状以及取得的一些成就。在分析我国甘蔗种植机展现状与存在问题的同时,通过与其它国家和地区的比较分析,充分认识到了我国甘蔗种植的优势和不足之处,并通过分析提出了合理化的建议与发展对策。 关键词:甘蔗种植机;机械化;发展对策 Abstract Planting sugar cane production process in the labor intensity of the largest and most important part of the sugar cane plantations of high-yield, high efficiency, high quality and reduce production costs is the main topic of this sugar cane production, after joining the WTO is also urgently with international community. At present, Chinas sugar cane production is relatively developed countries and regions lagging behind cultivation techniques, extensive planting of sugar cane production, poor management, a low conversion rate of fertilization is not scientific, the utilization of fertilizer, pest control is not in place, ability to withstand natural disasters, mechanized production the application of a small proportion of the labor force to pay more, these problems seriously hampered the cane promote the development of modern agriculture. The traditional planting rely on manual or semi-manual mechanical process of plowing, sowing, casing, bare species sown in the field. Today, the use of the thousands of years of sowing methods, faced with a new problem: is not conducive to large-scale mechanized operations, is not conducive to the meticulous management. Therefore, this article as a starting point, focus on sugarcane planting mac


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