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浅析电子商务中的客户关系管理浅析电子商务中的客户关系管理:Customer Relationship Management, CRM)便成为企业战略指导思想,客户关系管理也成为企业制胜法宝,在本文中,电子商务和客户关系管理的结合方面做了深入的讨论,谈话和从CRM生成的内容,专注于企业管理从传统企业的角度探讨了CRM的电子商务和商业环境的影响客户关系管理模型,以及如何实施CRM。联系当前的形势,分析了客户服务的戏剧在电子商务,提升企业的重作用方面的竞争力时代企业层面。关键词:企业客户关系管理电子商务Analysis of SME e-commerce and customer relationship management Abstract: The 21st Century With the rapid development of the Internet , many products derived from a representative , such as : e-commerce , from business activity pattern has undergone a tremendous change, and which led to part of the management concepts and innovative ideas . Customer relationship management in the era of e-commerce has been given a new mission, enterprises can effectively grasp the trend of demand of customers, and enhance the strong ties with customers , mining and customer resource management , companies can gain competitive advantage for the development of enterprises into new vitality. In the current situation, customer-centric customer relationship management concepts (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) has become the guiding principle of corporate strategy , customer relationship management has become the holy grail , in this paper , combined with e-commerce and customer relationship management has done a thorough discussion , conversation and content generated from CRM , focusing on business management from the perspective of traditional enterprises to explore the impact of customer relationship management CRM model of e-commerce and business environment, and how to implement CRM. Contact the current situation, analyze the customer service plays in e-commerce, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises an important role in the era of corporate level aspects . Keywords: business , customer relationship management , e-commerce. 摘 要 2 Abstract 2 1 绪论 4 1.1研究背景 4 1.2理论基础 5 2电子商务与客户关系管理的关系 6 2.1 电子商务和CRM相辅相成 6 2.2 CRM推动电子商务实现 6 2.3 CRM只是电子商务的子集 7 3 我国电子商务中的客户关系管理存在的问题 7 3.1对电子商务中的客户关系管理认识不足 7 3.2客户关系管理中网络利用率差 7 3.3缺少良好


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