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PAINTING LIGHT: EXTERIOR?GLASSPS教程之室外玻璃窗的灯光Sunday, February 24, 2013 | ALEX HOGREFE原著ALEX HOGREFE翻译:WESLIENot everyone has the capabilities to render huge models with a ton of lights. I am one of those people where more times than not I have to manually add light to my illustrations because I dont have the computing power. At first, this method can seem tedious But, when you think about the time that it takes to insert lights into a model and then the time that it takes to render so many lights, knowing how to do this in Photoshop can be a great resource to have as a backup. There is a typical workflow I use that consistently yields clean, realistic results without much effort. I am using the urban snow scene that I posted a few months back as the base case for this tutorial The model was large, and there were way too many windows to try to render. The steps I used to Photoshop the light are outlined below.使用众多灯光渲染大型模型不是人人都能做到的,我也是其中一员,因为没有强大的运算资源,很多情形下只能在效果图中人工加上灯光。.起初,你可能觉得这种方式显得很繁琐;但是当你想到在大模型中添加光源的费时费力以及渲染的痛苦过程,掌握在Photoshop中调光的方法将是极为有用的另一种选择。这是一种我使用的典型的工作流程,可事半功倍地取得干净利落又效果真实的表现图。我使用的基础素材是几个月前发布的一张城市雪景图。.模型颇为庞大,这么多窗子如果靠渲染的话是不可想象的。以下就是我用Photoshop调光的详细步骤。1. SAVE THE REFLECTIONS - For scenes like the one above, I rendered the glass of the surrounding buildings with a strong reflection. This allows me to copy the reflections to their own layer and use them later on as an overlay. To copy them to their own layer, select the polygonal tool, then select the glass of the windows you intend to light. Right-click on the selection and choose Layer via Copy.。1、保存反射针对以上的场景,首先以强反射渲染出周边的建筑物。这一步得到的反射光可以复制到独立的图层,然后可以叠加到整体效果中。为了抠出这些图层,使用多边形选区工具选出这些窗户的玻璃部分,右键菜单中选择“通过拷贝的图层”。?2. PAINT IN THE BASE LIGHT –Next, I created a new layer called glass light. Again, I selected the glass part of the window. To speed things up, you can ctrl+click the reflections layer in the previous step instead of using the polygonal tool to reselect all of the glass. With the glass selected, choose the Brush


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