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病理复习重点1、Metaplasia Metaplasia is a reversible change in which one adult cell type is replaced by another adult cell type Granuloma (肉芽肿):以炎症局部巨噬细胞及其衍生细胞增生形成的境界清楚的结节状病灶。 A form of chronic inflammation is characterized by granulo-mas-small nodutar collections of activated macrophages. Granulation tissue(肉芽组织):由新生薄壁的毛细血管以及增生的纤维母细胞构成,并伴有炎性细胞浸润,肉眼表现为鲜红色,颗粒状,柔软湿润,形似鲜嫩的肉芽的组织。 Granulation tissue consists of proliferating capillaries and fibroblasts, derives from its pink, soft, granuiar appearance on tne surface of wounds. Aschoff-body(风湿小体):风湿的特征性病理变化,为呈圆形或梭形的结节,中心为纤维素样坏死,周围有风湿细胞及少量淋巴细胞。对诊断风湿病有重要意义。 Aschoff body is the hallmark of acute rheurnatic carditis, it contain a central focus of fibrinoid ne-crosis surrounded by a chronic mononuclear inflarnrnatory infiltrate and occasional large macrophages with vesi-cular nuclei and abundant basophilic cytopjlasm, called anitichkow cells. 4、AtheromaAtheromatous plaque),由纤维斑块深层细胞坏死发展而来的AS典型病变。(肉眼观,灰黄色斑块既向内膜表面隆起,又向深部压迫中膜。切面可见纤维帽和粥样物;光镜下,在纤维帽深部有大量不定形的坏死崩解物、胆固醇结晶) 5、Atypia:Atypia of neoplasms means that there are various degrees of differences between the tumors and their normal original tissues and characterizes by variation in the size and shape of tumor cells, and the abnormality of organization. 6、Pseuelolobule: 7、R-S cell:R-S 细胞胞质丰富,略嗜酸或嗜碱性,核圆形或椭圆形,核内有包涵体样的嗜酸性核仁。 8、Cresent: 9、Tubercle:Tubercle or tuberculous granuloma, is the features of the pathological changes of tuberculosis, which is showed typically by (l)Caseous necrosis;(2)Epitheliodcell;(3)Langhans giantcells;(4)lymphocytes;(5)Fibrosis The formatiom of tubercle is on the basis of cellular immunity. 10、Tuberculoma:11、syphilioma/gumma:(gumma)12、pseudotubercle:After death of embryo in the acute egg nodule, the egg granulomas can induce collagen formation accompanied by sporadic foreign body giant cell and filtration of lymph cells. The chronic egg nodule with centrally located ova is classic biharzial pseudotubercle, which is evident in biopsy specimens obtained


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