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英语中与食物有关的习语 分享一些有关食物的英语习语 1.curry favour ?讨好,奉承,拍马屁 curry n.咖喱。例句: Hes always trying to curry favour?with the boss. ?2. be in apple-pie order 井然有序;整齐;井井有条 Apple-pie 苹果派。例句: Their house is always in apple-pie?order. 他们家总是收拾得井井有条。 3. jam tomorrow 许而不予的好东西,可望而不可及的东西 Jam n. 果酱。例句: As children we were always being?promised jam tomorrow,if only we?should be?patient. 孩提时代大人总是许诺只要我们耐心点儿就会给我们好东西。 4. as cool as a cucumber 镇静,冷静,泰然自若 Cucumber n. 黄瓜。例句: She walked in as cool as a cucumber,?as if nothing had happend. 她泰然自若地走进来,好像什么事也没发生过。 5. be like chalk and cheese 截然不同;迥异 cheese n. 奶酪。例句: My brother and i are like chalk and?cheese. 我哥哥和我截然不同。 carrot and stick?胡萝卜加大棒;软硬两手 骡子通常被认为是极其顽固的动物,可即使是骡子,只要在它前面吊上胡萝卜(carrotstick)抽打,骡子也一定会往前走。因此carrot and stick常被用来比喻“软硬两手”,有时也作the carrot and the stick。丘吉尔(Sir Winston Churchill,1874~1965)曾经在1943年会见记者时用过这一比喻:“We shall operate on the Italian donkey at both ends,?with a carrot and with a stick.”(我们将用胡萝卜加大棒使这头意大利蠢驴听话。) forbidden fruit?禁果;欢乐(尤指男女偷欢) 出自《圣经·“惟有园当中那棵树上的果子,上帝曾说,你们不可吃,也不可摸,免得你们死。”(“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden,?God hath said,?Ye shall not eat of it,?neither shall ye touch it,?lest ye die.”)有这样一句谚语:Forbidden fruit is sweet.Proverb)(谚)禁果最甜。 a land flowing with milk and honey?富饶之地,鱼米之乡 出自《圣经·“And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians,?and to bring them up to out of that land unto a good land and a large,?unto a land flowing with milk and honey.”(我下来是要救他们脱离埃及人的手,领他们出了那地,到美好宽阔、流奶与蜜之地。)该习语也作a land of milk and honey,如: America is now the fancied land of milk and honey,?but not for every American citizen.?美国现在是人们心目中生活富裕的国家,但并非对每个美国公民都是如此。 have egg/jam on/over one’s face?形象受损害;出丑 人在吃鸡蛋或果酱时不小心弄到脸上而自己却不知道,看起来就会有点儿可笑,像个傻瓜一样,这就是have egg/jam on/over one’s face“形象受损害;出丑”等,有时也以be left with egg/jam on/over one’s face形式出现,如: The latest scandal has left the government with egg on its face. 最近的丑闻使政府形象受到损害。 pie in the sky? 该习语出自美国流行歌手、世界产业工人联盟(IWWJoe Hill,?1879~1915)在1911年所作的一首歌曲《传


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