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科学史融入高中生物新课程的教学策略研究 摘 要 国际基础科学教育改革的一些研究表明,把科学史的有关内容融入中小学科学课程,是培养学生科学素养的一个非常重要而且可行的途径。目前在新课程的实施中,教师对科学史教育的关注还不够,主要原因是大部分教师思想上并没有充分全面地认识科学史的教育价值,实践中也缺乏对如何将科学史融入科学课程的教材教法的研究。基于这种现状,本文从新课改的精神出发,从以下几个角度对这些问题进行了探讨。 一是阐述新一轮课程改革背景下开展科学史教育的必要性,介绍国内外开展生命科学史教育及研究的现状,指出了当前存在的诸多问题和不足。二是简要探讨了生物科学史教育的内涵,并对高中生物必修教材中的科学史内容作了分析,讨论了科学史教育在体现课改理念方面的功能。三是本文针对不同科学史素材的特点,提出用不同的教学策略将生物科学史融入课堂教学中,以便发挥科学史的教育功能,贯彻新课改的理念。这些教学策略是:用科学史创设情境,引入课题;用科学史突出重点,突破难点;用科学史作为贯穿课堂教学的主线;用科学史作为课堂教学的延伸。四是笔者运用这些教学策略,进行科学史教育的教学实践和研究,并尝试用适当的方法分析评价教学实验的结果。实验结果表明科学史教育可以在加深知识理解的同时,从而培养学生的科学素养。 Teaching Strategy Research on Incorporating Science History into New High School Biology Courses Abstract Previous research on the international elementary science education reform suggests that a very important and viable way of cultivating students science literacy is to incorporate key concepts of science history into the science courses of grade school to high school. At the present, while implementing new courses, teachers have not yet paid sufficient attention to the education of science history. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the majority of teachers did not fully recognize the significance of science history to high school education. Empirical experiences are also lacking in this respect. In the spirit of new course reform, the study discusses the above issues from the approaches as follows. First, the study acknowledges the necessity to engage the education of science history in the new course reform. By examining current research on life science history education, I point out problems and issues that arise from the existing situation. Second, I briefly discuss the essence of biological science history education and especially analyze the contents on science history in required courses of high school biology. The purpose is to understand the roles that science history education may play in representing key concepts of course reform. Third, to fully explore the educational function of science history


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