
xiaofi 太原理工大学采矿工程专业自考本科毕业设计最终版.docx

xiaofi 太原理工大学采矿工程专业自考本科毕业设计最终版.docx

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摘要本设计所选的题目为《店上煤矿3、、9、15号煤90万t/a矿井初步设计》,根据山西省高平市店上煤矿提供的店上煤矿的井田概况和地质特征资料。井田概况包括井田境界;地表的交通位置以及自然地理和水源、电源的供应情况。地质特征资料包括地层;地质构造;煤层及煤质;煤层顶、底板情况及煤层的瓦斯、煤尘、煤的自燃性;以及矿井的文水地质情况。此次设计的目的是运用大学阶段所学的知识联系矿井生产实际进行矿井开采设计,并就本专业范围的某一课题进行较深入的研究,以培养和提高学生学习分析和解决实际问题的能力,是学生走上工作岗位前进行的一次综合性能力训练,也是对一个未来采矿工程高级工程技术人才的基本训练。设计时应以当前煤矿开采发展的趋势和方向,结合本煤矿的特征以综采放顶煤采煤法为首选采煤方法。并合理的布置开拓巷道和工作面,以简化采煤生产系统提高煤炭的利用率。此次设计需要解决的专题是矿井兼并重组整合项目初步设计,要求我们需要在采区巷道的布置上及以后的生产管理上采取特殊的措施,以实现矿井的安全生产。该矿井的设计生产能力为90万t/a,设计过程中我们对矿井的各个系统又有了一次比较全面的认识和了解,同时在老师的辅导和帮助下也解决了一些接近的实际的问题。使我们在掌握专业知识的同时也提高了自己以后在现实工作岗位上的能力。关键词:顶板管理;地质灾害;综采采矿班学生:赵晓飞 2013年5月8日AbstractThis design topic is shop on the coal mine 3, 9, 15, 900000, t\/a coal mine design, according to the survey and the geological characteristics of the materials of Shanxi province Gaoping city shop on the shop on the coal mine. Ida Ida state; supply surface traffic location and natural geography and water source, power supply. Geological characteristics of data including formation; geological structure; coal and coal; coal seam roof, floor and coalbed gas, coal dust, coal spontaneous combustion; and the Wenshui mine geological conditions.The purpose of this design is to mine mining design using the university stage knowledge contact mine production practice, and makes a deep study on a topic of this field, in order to cultivate and improve students ability of analyzing and solving practical problems, is the student on the job training a comprehensive ability, and also the basic training on a future mining engineering senior engineering and technical personnel.The design should be based on the current coal mining development tendency and the direction, combined with the characteristics of the coal mining method is preferred to the fully mechanized top coal caving mining method. And reasonable arrangement of roadway and working face, to simplify the mining production system to improve the utilization rate of coal.This design needs to solve


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