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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 耐水型石膏墙体材料研制 学 生:学 号: 指导教师: 专 业:无机非金属材料工程 重庆大学材料科学与工程学院 二OO八年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Study on water-resistant gypsum wall materials Undergraduate: Major: Inorganic Nonmetallic Material Engineering College of Materials Science and Engineering , Chongqing University June 2008 摘 要 磷石膏是磷酸厂排出的工业废渣,任意排放不仅侵占大量土地,还会污染环境,其回收利用一直是人们关注的问题。经炒制后,磷石膏可用于生产石膏砌块。目前,石膏砌块多用于建筑物内隔墙,具有轻质、保温、隔热、吸音、隔音等优点,但其耐水性不佳,这一点在一定程度上限制了石膏砌块的使用。 本课题基于成本和现有试验条件的考虑,从材料改性的角度,在石膏中掺入一定量的磷矿渣,采用适当的养护工艺,并在碱性条件下激发磷矿渣潜在活性,以此促进石膏砌块的强度发展,提高其耐水性。此外,由于矿渣的掺入增加了砌块容重,本文尝试采用石膏发泡技术降低其容重,并测其热工性能。 试验结果显示矿渣掺量30%以上的砌块1天的软化系数全都大于0.8,并随着时间持续增长;矿渣掺入导致自重增加,掺发泡剂后,试块容重有所改善,但强度低,且不耐水;耐水型石膏的导热系数较高,不符合保温材料的标准,实际应用过程中需要加保温砂浆,以降低其传热系数。 就解决石膏不耐水的问题,本课题的方法可行,且此种方法节能、环保,为新型墙体材料的开发提供一条新的途径。 关键词:磷石膏,磷矿渣,抗压强度,耐水性 ABSTRACT Phosphogypsum is by-product that is formed in the production of phosphoric acid and phosphoric fertilizers. As the wasted dregs contain nocuous ingredients, it has been occupying land, polluting environment because phosphogypsum is discharged randomly. lts being recycled and reused is always being researched.Building phosphgypsum can be used to produce gypsum block which has a lot of advantages, such as light-weight, heat preservation, heat insulation, sound absorption and sound insulation, but the range of application of gypsum block is limited badly because of its poor water resistance. At present, gypsum block is usually using for internal wall in the building . Based on the cost and the existing conditions of the test, from the perspective of modified material, this subject mixes with a certain amount of phosphorus slag in the gypsum whose potential activity is stimulated by quicklime under suitable curing system and in alkaline conditions ,so as to promote the strength development of gypsum block and enhance its water resistance. In addition, since the introduction of an increase of phosphorus slag increases its bulk d


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