自来水管网 毕业设计论文自来水管网 毕业设计论文.doc

自来水管网 毕业设计论文自来水管网 毕业设计论文.doc

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基于WebGIS技术的自来水管网信息管理系统设计与实现 摘要 当前我国的水资源的利用,一方面感到水资源紧张,另一方面浪费又很严重。水资源管理是一个庞大的系统工程,它涉及管网维修、管网改造、图纸档案、管网数据统计等诸多方面,致使管网的维修和管理任务十分繁重。 管网建模方面,主要涉及,管线信息、阀门信息的管理,管线、阀门的维护和管线、阀门的报修等问题。 本系统是为了解决复杂的传统的自来水管网的管理工作,使其变成可视化的管理模式。课题利用WebGIS 的分布式与可视化的地理空间信息分析的优势 ,从城市供水系统管理的实际需求,从系统体系框架、功能组成和系统实现描述了基于WebGIS技术的自来水管网信息管理系统设计,可为供水部门的高效管理提供决策依据。 本系统是基于WebGIS技术的,实现对供水管网数据的管理,提供能够对管网实时更新(包括添加和删除)的功能;具有事故分析和处理功能,对发生爆管等漏水事故能迅速制定方案,从而显著提高事故处理和抢修的效率,大大的降低了损失;同时为了施工等的需要,能够使用户能更清晰、更形象地了解管段之间的空间分布位置。 关键词:管网建模、管线、阀门、地理信息系统 Based on WebGIS technology water pipe network information management system design and implementation Abstract The use of water resources in our country, on the one hand feel tension of water resources, on the other hand waste is very serious.Water resources management is a huge system engineering, it involves network maintenance, network transformation, the drawing files, network data statistics and so on many aspects, the network maintenance and management of the task is very heavy.  Network modeling aspect, mainly involved, pipeline, valve information management, pipeline, valve and pipeline maintenance, the valve repair service, etc. This system is to solve the traditional tap water pipe network management of complex, make it become the visual management mode. Subject using the distributed WebGIS the geographical spatial information visualization and analysis of the advantages, from the actual demand of urban water supply system management, from the system framework, function describes the composition and system implementation based on WebGIS technology of tap water pipe network information monitoring and management system design and implementation, can provide decision-making basis for the efficient management of water supply department. This system is based on WebGIS technology, to realize the management of water supply network data, network can provide real-time updates (including add, and delete) functionality; Has the accident analysis and processing functions


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