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Unit9 Text A broaden v.放宽, 变宽, 扩大, 加宽 broad a. efficient a.生效的,有效率的,能干的 efficiency n. reside vi.居住 residence n. 住宅 submit v.(使)服从, (使)顺从(常与to连用 )vt.提交, 递交 e.g. I hope you can submit your term papers before the deadline. notch vt.可凹痕,切口,得分 notch up 扩展,完成,创下,达到 fundamental adj.基础的, 基本的n.基本原则, 基本原理 underestimate vt.低估, 看轻n.低估 estimate v.估计, 估价, 评估n.估计, 估价, 评估 overestimate vt.评价过高 We couldn’t underestimate the enemy’s strength because they had made good preparations. display vt.陈列, 展览, 显示n.陈列, 展览, 显示,显示器 monitor n.班长, 监听器, 监视器, 监控器vt.监控v.监控 We have been monitoring the enemy’s radio broadcasts to try to find out their sacret plans. commonplace n.平凡的事, 平常话adj.平凡的 Some scientists believe that soon it will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon. attempt n.努力, 尝试, 企图vt.尝试, 企图 pessimistic adj.悲观的, 厌世的 pessimism n. Whenever you come across difficulty, you should not be pessimistic. apply for 请求,申请 put up 举起,抬起;提供 bring in 生产;挣得;介绍引进 connect up 连起来,接上 in effect 事实上,实际上 sort through 归类 end up 结束,竖着 check on 检查 The Web Lifestyle 网络生活方式 Today in the United States, there are over 22 million adults using the Web, about half of whom access the Internet at least once a day. 当今美国有2200万个成年人在使用网络,他们中大约半数人要每天至少上互联网一次。 Meanwhile,the variety of activities on the Web is broadening at an amazing rate. 同时,网上活动方式正以惊人的速度变得更加多样化。 There is almost no topic about which you cannot find fairly interesting material on the Web. 任何一个主题你都能在网上找到与之有关的非常有趣的材料。 Many of these sites are getting excellent traffic flow. 许多网站正变成极好的商业交易渠道。 Want to buy a dog? Or sell a share? Or order a car? Use the Internet. 想买狗吗?或者卖股份?或者定购一辆汽车?那就用网络吧。 Where are we going to get the time to live with the Web ? 我们哪有时间消磨在网络上? In some instances,people will actually save time because the Web will make doing things more efficient than in the past, 一些实例表明应用网络能更节约时间,因为网络能使我们更有效率地处理一些事情, being able to get information about a major purchase, for ex


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