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Unit 4 Text A Words: interview n. 面谈 v.进行面试,采访 interviewer n.采访者 interviewee n.被采访者 crawl vi.爬行, 蠕动, 徐徐行进n.爬行, 蠕动, 缓慢的行进 wheel vt. vi 推动,拉动 cart n.小车,手推车 checkout n.付款台 express adj.急速的, 特殊的, 明确的n.快车, 快递, 专使vt.表达, 表示 project n.计划, 方案, 事业, 企业, 工程v.设计, 计划, 投射, 放映, 射出, 发射(导弹等), 凸出 promotion n.促进, 发扬, 提升, 提拔, 晋升 promote v.促进,增进;提升 hostility n.敌意, 恶意, 不友善, 敌对, 对抗, 反对 hostile a.敌对的 risk n危险,风险 take a risk 冒险 at the risk of doing sth.冒着做某事的危险 risk v.使遭受···的危险 immune a. 有免疫的,不受影响的,豁免的 immunity n.免疫力,抵抗力 They are always so rude that I’ve almost become immune to it. behavioral a.行为的 behave v.举动,表现 behavior n.行为 stock n.积蓄,储蓄,贮藏 quotient n.商数,商 mistreat vt.不公平地对待,虐待 inconvenience n.不便,麻烦,困难 inconvenient a. 不便的 convenience n. convenient a. insult n.侮辱,凌辱 v.侮辱,冒犯 avoid vt.避免, 消除 avoid doing sth. flutter vt.vi 扑动,无规律地跳 Dead leaves fluttered slowly to the ground in the wind. deserve vt.vi 应受···之优/虐待 The proposals deserve serious consideration. release n.释放;流露;让渡, 豁免, 发行的书, 释放证书vt.释放, 解放, 放弃, 让与, 免除, 发表 dodge vt.vi.闪避,躲闪 n.诡计 make a dodge 躲闪 避开 genetics n.遗传学,发生学 upbringing n.儿童期的训练和教育 justify v.证明...是正当的 be justified 有道理的,正当的 get the best of 获胜,得意 take a breath 呼吸,喘口气 lose one’s temper 生气,发脾气 take stock of 对···进行评价、评估和鉴定 hold in 抑制 calm down 安静,稳定,沉着 well up 涌现,涌出 She felt that tears welled up in her eyes. to the point 切题,切中要害 (与of连用)达到···程度 set off 使···爆发,引爆 put···into motion 使···运行,详述 impose on 强加···与某人 dwell on 细思,详述 Don’t dwell on the past. Try and be more positive. keep track of 跟上···的进程或发展,与···保持接触 Don’t Let Anger Get the Best of You 别让怒火击溃你 You’re late for a job interview when traffic slows to a crawl.交通阻塞,车辆缓慢地爬行,你因此而面试迟到;In the supermarket,a customer wheeling a full cart cuts ahead of you in the express checkout line.超市里你排在快速结账口,有个推着满满一车货物的顾客正好插在你前头;You spend months on a project,and your lazy colleague gets the promotion.为一个项目,你耗费了几个月的心血,而结果你那懒惰的同事得到了提升。 Do you feel angry ? 很恼火是吧?Before you lose your temper,take a d


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