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The Great Minds 名人名言部分补充make A of B A famous quote A pessimist makes difficulties of his opportunities; an optimist makes opportunities of his difficulties. ----Harry S. Truman 悲观者让机会沦为困难;乐观者把困难铸成机会。 ----杜鲁门 make A of B make a success of ones career make a musician of the little boy The father exposed his son to music when he was still a little child becaused he wanted to make a musician of him. expose sb. / oneself to sth. Dont expose yourself to the strong sunlight, or you will get sunburnt. 联想:sunburnt / suntanned gain exposure to sth. make a footballer of Tom make a mess of the account I. New words and expressions New words 1. wrap v. 用…缠绕(或围紧) 2. scenario n. 设想;方案;预测 3. explanation n. 解释;说明  explain  explanatory 4. uneventful adj. 平淡无奇的;平凡的;缺乏刺激的 5. pregnancy n. 怀孕;妊娠;孕期 6. imperfect adj. 有缺陷的;不完全的;不完美的  perfect  perfection  联想:impossible, impolite, imbalanced, immobile, immature (注意:unbiased, unmoving) 7. abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的;变态的;畸形的  normal  联想:typical-atypical  symmetry-asymmetry  symmetrical-asymmetrical 8. massive adj. 巨大的;非常严重的 9. disability n.(某种)缺陷,障碍  able  ability  unable 10. limbless adj. 无四肢的 11. inspire v. 激励;鼓舞(用法参考Unit 5, Text A)  inspiration (形近词参考Unit 4,Text A)  inspiring 12. adapt v. 适应(新情况)  adapt oneself to sth. 13. accomplish v. 完成 14. limb n. 肢;臂;腿 15. campaign 运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动) 16. fulfill v. 实现;履行  fulfill ones dream / word / requirement  fulfilling使人满足的,令人愉快的  fulfillment 履行;满足;成就 17. motivational adj. 鼓舞的 18. circumstance n. 命运;客观环境 19. wholeheartedly adv. 全心全意地 20. effective adj. 产生预期结果的;有效的  比较:efficient  ineffective, inefficient 21. altitude n. 海拔;海拔高度  altitude sickness  区分:attitude 22. engagement n. 约定;约会;预约 23. congregation n. (教堂的)会众 24. audience n. 观众;听众 25. vision n. 想象力;眼力;远见卓识 26. outreach n. 外展服务 27. perspective n. 态度;观点;思考方法 28. cease v. (使)停止,终止,结束 29. obstacle n. 障碍;阻碍;绊脚石 30. illustrate v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释 31. profound adj. 巨大的;深切的;深远的 32. persistence n. 坚持;锲而不舍  persist (in)  persistent 33. paralyze v. 使瘫痪



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