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您好!(第一次见面)How do you do? 您好!见到您很高兴。How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you. 让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,厂长总工;吴先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr.Lin, our shipyard manager; Mr.Wang, our chief engineer. Mr.Wu, director of the hull shop. 欢迎您到我们船厂来!welcome to our shipyard! 请坐!Sit down please. 好的,谢谢!Thank you. 请喝茶。Please have a cup of tea. 喂,您好吗?(熟人之间)Hi, how are you? 很好,谢谢。您好吗?Fine, thank you, and how are you? 很好,谢谢!Very well, thanks. 我们现在就开始工作好吗?Shall we start our work now? 好的。OK . 请这边走。This way, please. 我可以进来吗?May I come in? 请进!Yes, please. 早晨好,女士。Good morning, ma’am (Madam). 早晨好,布莱克先生。请坐。Good morning, Mr.Blake. take a seat, please. 谢谢!Thank you, ma’am. 请问您有什么事和我商讨?What business would you like to talk with me about? 船东想在船上做些变化。The ship owner wants to make some changes in the hull. 这样的事,我只能晚些时候回答您。In that case, I need to answer you later. 好的。如果你做出了决定,请尽快告诉我。OK. If you make the decision, please tell me soon. 没有问题,再见!No problem. Good bye. 再见!Good bye. 下午好!Good afternoon! 下午好!Good afternoon! 有一个舱口盖有点问题,我想和你谈谈。There is something wrong with the hatch cover. I would like to discuss it with you. 对不起,我听不懂您讲话,您能说得慢一点吗?I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. Can you speak slowly? 我的意思是我想和您谈一谈舱口盖的问题。I mean I want to talk with you about the hatch cover. 噢,我懂了。到我办公室去详谈。Oh, I see. Let’s go to my office and talk it cover in detail. 那再好不过了。That couldn’t be better. 我想要一份这种图纸。I would like a copy of this drawing. 对不起,我帮不了这个忙。您可以到技术科去要。I’m sorry. I can’t help you. You may ask the technical department for it. 您知道电话号码?Do you know the telephone number? 分机号是4557。It’s 4557 extension. 谢谢!Thank you. 非常愿意帮助您!My pleasure! 你们船厂造什么船?What ships do you build? 集装箱船,散装船,还有一些驳船。Container ships, bulk carriers, and some barges. 你厂吊车最大起重能力是多少?How much is the maximum lifting capacity in your shipyard? 300吨,是船台用起重机,跨度72m。300 tons, it is a berth derrick, the span being 72m. 在这里,你们怎么样对钢板进行预处理?Here, how do you pre-treat (prepare) the steel plates? 我们用抛丸(喷沙)的方法。We call it short-blasting


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