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苦瓜对人体的9大益处 9 Benefits of Bitter melon 1. Type II Diabetes 对二型糖尿病患者有益处 Some studies have shown that bitter melon lowers blood sugar through increased metabolism of glucose. Drink one cup daily. Try this recipe to receive the full benefit of the fruit. As with any changes to your diet, be sure you consult you physician. Stop use if you’re experiencing abdominal pain, diarrhea, or fever. Monitor blood sugar regularly and adjust medications as necessary, with the assistance of your doctor. 研究表明苦瓜能增加葡萄糖的代谢过程降低血糖。每天喝一杯。这种吃法能获得苦瓜的所有营养。饮食上有任何的调整都一定要先咨询你的医生。要是你有腹痛,腹泻,发热的症状就不要再用了。定期测血糖,如有必要,可以在医生的指导下用药物调理。 2. Kidney Stones 对肾结石患者有益处 A kidney stone is an extremely painful medical condition. Bitter melon can be helpful in ridding the body of kidney stones through naturally breaking them down. Bitter melon reduces high acid that help produce painful kidney stones. Infuse bitter melon powder with water to create a healthful tea. This tea has a nutty flavor and, surprisingly, does not require sweetening. 肾结石是一种非常疼的病。苦瓜能帮助身体自然地分解结石。苦瓜能降强酸性,帮助减少肾结石带来的疼痛感。用水冲兑苦瓜粉可以制成一种特别健康的茶。这种茶带有坚果的味道,但奇怪的是,这种茶并不需要加糖。 3. Lower Cholesterol 降低胆固醇 Help lower dangerous cholesterol levels with bitter melon. Reducing cholesterol significantly reduces heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. The added benefit is that bitter melon is completely natural in working with the body to prevent these health risks. High cholesterol can only be diagnosed with a blood test. 苦瓜能帮助降低胆固醇水平。胆固醇水平的降低能显著降的降低心脏病、心脏类疾病、中风的发病率。用苦瓜还有一个好处就是:它是天然的,能和身体结合起来对抗疾病。胆固醇水平的高低只能通过血液测试来检测。 4. Pancreatic Cancer 对胰腺癌患者有益处 One of the most surprising health benefits of bitter melon is its anti-cancer properties. Bitter melon has been shown to disrupt the production of glucose, potentially inhibiting the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Try these bitter melon juice recipes for a touch of variety and to reap the full health reward of this unusual melon. Bitter melon may also starve other cancerous cells in the liver, colon, breast, or


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