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70 New Oriental English TEENS 美丽英文·名家经典· Beautiful English The Great Gatsby (1925) Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald No one gives better parties than Jazz Age zillionaire Jay Gatsby. No one has a bigger house or a bigger pool, or drives a longer, more opulent1) automobile. His silk shirts alone— ?shirts with stripes2) and scrolls3) and plaids4) in coral and apple green and lavender5) and faint orange with letters of Indian blue” — can and do reduce women to tears. But who is he? Where does he come from, where did he make his money, and why — his calm, straight-arrow6) neighbor (and narrator) Nick wonders—does he stand on his dock at night and stretch out his arms to a green light shining across the 美国Time( 《时代》 )周刊近日评选出自1923年以来的 “100部经典英文小说”, 这里面不乏大家所熟悉 的 《麦田守望者》、 《了不起的盖茨比》 等作品。 大家可在 《时代》 网站 (/time/2005/ 100books/the_complete_list.html)找到关于这100部小说的精彩介绍。 本刊特选出比较适合中学生阅读的十 部刊登在此。由于此内容直接来自Time(略有删改),其语言优雅,句式复杂,是一道营养丰富的大餐。 让我们在咀嚼原汁原味英文的同时,一起来领略文学大师们的风采吧! ◎ From Time 选编/Fran 译/朱志斌 《了不起的盖茨比》 (1925) 作者:弗·斯考特·菲茨杰拉德 没有人举办的晚会可以比爵士乐时 代的亿万富翁杰伊 · 盖茨比的更奢华, 也 没有人拥有比他更大气的庄园,更宽大 的游泳池, 或一辆更长、 更豪华的轿车。 仅仅他的真丝衬衣—— “那种印着条纹、 挂着卷皮花饰的衬衣, 搭配着珊瑚绿、 苹 果绿、 淡紫色以及淡橙色的绣花格呢子, 上面刺绣着印度蓝的字母组合”——就 能而且的确使女人们涕泪涟涟。 然而, 他 那镇静而正直的邻居尼克(故事的叙述 者)却想知道:他是谁?他从哪儿来? 他从哪儿挣到这些钱?他为何会在夜里 站在他的码头上,朝着港湾那头自家豪 宅中闪耀的绿光展开臂膀?《了不起的 盖茨比》揭示了一个自主创业之人空虚 而悲凉的心境。它不仅是一个有趣并且 令人看毕备感伤心的故事,也是最为典 型的美国小说之一。 Top100英文经典小说(节选)新东方英语·中学版·2006·1-2合刊 71 美丽英文·名家经典· Beautiful English bay from his magnificent mansion7) ? The Great Gatsby lays bare the empty, tragic heart of the self-made man. It誷 not only a turner and a heartbreaker, it誷 one of the most typically American novels ever written. Gone With the Wind (1936) Author: Margaret Mitchell It’s one of the best-selling books ever bound between covers, but that’s not what makes Margaret Mitchell’s magnificent novel great. The ultimate, original historical romance, it follows high-spirited Scarlett O’ Hara, roguish 8) Rhett Butler and romantic, infinitely good-looking Ashley Wilkes as th


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