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课 题 第三章 英汉文化对比分析 需6 课时 教学 目 的要 求 要求学生了解英汉文化差异并掌握相应的英汉翻译技巧 教学重点 英汉翻译中文化差异翻译常见误译情况 教学难点 英汉文化翻译实践练习 教案编写日期 9月2日 教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 提示与补充 教学内容:(教学步骤详见课件) 一.课堂互动 请将下列句子译成汉语: 一.表示西方社会生活中特有的事物和现象的语言及其翻译 1.?Were it left to me decide whether we should have a government without? newspapers or newspapers without? a government,I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. ???如果让我来选择,我们是要一个没有言论自由的政府,还是要一个只有自由而无政府的国家,我会毫不犹豫地选择后者。 ?2.They are willing to talk turkey and end the war. 他们愿意坦率的谈判以结束这场战争。 3. The United States has now set up a loneliness industry. 美国政府建立了一种为孤寡老人服务的社会服务项目。 4. It is a matter as significant to me as a game of cricket. 这件事对我来说如同吃饭一样重要。/这件事对我至关重要。 5. The firm only accepts experienced people but not every Tom, Dick, and Jacky. 这家公司只接纳有经验的人,而不是张三李四、阿狗阿猫都可进来。 6. The Maxm was that when a married couple saw red, lawyer saw green. 俗话说,夫妇吵得脸红耳赤之时,便是律师期望得到绿色美元之日. 二.翻译时应注意动植物在中西方文化中的不同内涵和联想意义 7. John,Anderson,my Jo,John,/When we were first acquent,/Your locks were like the raven [大乌鸦],/Your bonnie brow was brent [黑雁] ?约翰·安特生,我的爱人,/记得当年初相遇,/你的头发乌黑,/你的脸儿如玉。 8.An old dog like him never barks in vain.Whenever he barks,he always has some wise counsel worth listening to. 像他这样的行家里手,从来不随便发表意见,一旦发表,总有高见值得一听。 9. Mary is an apple-polisher,she will do anything for the boss. 玛丽是个马屁精,她会给老板做任何事。 10.There was plenty of pepper left in the old man. ?那位老人依旧精力充沛。 11.“You chicken!” he cried,looking at Tom with contempt. “瞧你这鼠胆儿!”他冲着汤姆蔑视地喊道。 12.I think he was married and had a lioness at home. 我想他已婚,而且妻子是个母老虎。 13.The policeman decided to play cat and mouse when he saw the woman steal the dress in the store. 警察发现那女人在商店偷衣服时,他欲擒故纵,并不马上捉住她。 14.Take no notice of her crocodile tears.She’s not in the least concerned about your injury. 不要理会她的假仁假义,她对你的伤势一点也不关心。 15.The author is a little pretentious,but on the whole he does know his onions. 这位作家有点儿自命不凡,但总的说来,他确实精通此道。 16.The girls I met in Australia and America seemed very small potatoes to me in comparison with her. 在我看来,我在澳大利亚


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