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现象描述段(描述一种正面现象或负面现象) 现象描述可以写三个内容:引出现象+具体描述+总结。 1)引出现象: ☆首句1. Nobody/ No one could have failed to notice the fact that kids’ lack of independence has become a grave problem in many families. 负面:a grave problem ( 正面:a common/popular phenomenon/practice 首句2. In the contemporary society, there is no denying the fact that + 客观事实(提纲1). 首句3. On many campuses/ In the contemporary society/ In the present-day society/ In recent decades, the shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems with which people are confronted. 负面the most serious problems( 正面a common phenomenon ☆首句4(正反均可): Nowadays/In the present-day society/In recent decades, it can be noticed that children depend more on their parents than ever before. (比较级引出问题) 首句5(正反均可): In the present-day society/ In recent years, it has become a prevalent/prevailing/ popular tendency/ trend/ practice for ___ to ___. 首句6: (正面)In recent decades, ____ has/have gained great popularity among _____. popularity (正面)( public attention (负面) 首句7(交代社会背景):The past years /decades have seen /witnessed (见证了)the huge/speedy advancement/ development of _____. 2)具体描述: 二句1:事实描述三步走 第一步:提纲中涉及谁就说谁 第二步:引申其中的名词(由个体到群体,由小见大) 第三步:给句子加修饰 ①状语:1)时间:nowadays,recently;2)地点:in our modern society ②列举:such as/including A,B,C and so forth/ 举例:现在很多父母替孩子包办一切 ⅰ. Parents do everything for their children. ⅱ. A great many parents do everything for their children. ⅲ. In many families, a great many parents do everything for their children, such as food, clothes, education even marriage. 事实描述:An increasing number of individuals/people find it difficult/ hard/ troublesome to _______. 2010-12: 父母替孩子包办一切:An increasing number of children find it hard to live on their own without parents. 正面话题:difficult ( convenient/ inexpensive/ beneficial … 2011-06: Online Shopping ( An increasing number of youngsters find it convenient and inexpensive to shop online. 越来越多的…(A growing number of ( People in growing numbers 举例描述 二句2:(举例描述1)A case in point of this is /A ty


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