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看人 疾风知劲草,路遥知马力。观察一个人很难,但也不是完全没有尺度,可以从应对不同情况的态度,观察期各种能力。有人面对需要担当起责任的大事或难以解决的事情时,总是采取推卸责任或逃避的态度,如此消极,此人岂能承担天下重任?所以勇于担当责任的人,总是在关键时刻挺身而出,肩负起责任。这样的人,由于有高深的修养和品性,无论是顺境还是逆境,都有博大的胸怀和气度,显示出“任凭风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步”的英雄气度。这就是值得十Observing People Sturdy grass withstands hing winds and distance tests a horsestrength.It is hard to observe a person,but it is not entirely without any rules.We can observe a persons ability from the attitudes he deals with different kinds of situations.Some people would shirk the responsibility or escape when confronted with the big affairs which he needs shoulder the responsibility or some tough problems.With such a passive attitude,how could this person shoulder the heavy responsibility of the world?So the people who are brave enough to shoulder responsibilities would always step out at the crucial time.With the profound accomplishment and moral character,this kind of people have the wide heart and bearing no matter in the favorable circumstance or not.He will present the heroic bearing of “let the wind blow and waves beat,better than idly strolling in courtyard.”It is the person that can wholly be trusted. 1.疾风知劲草,路遥知马力 分析: 这种成语短语的翻译,可以翻译出它的内在含义,但如果有更加通用的翻译的话,应该使用通用翻译,这里译为: Sturdy grass withstands hing winds and distance tests a horsestrength. 2.这样的人,由于有高深的修养和品性,无论是顺境还是逆境,都有博大的胸怀和气度。 分析: 注意“修养”,“品性”,“顺境”,“胸怀”,“气度”的译法,可以分别翻译为profound accomplishment,moral character,favorable circumstance,wide heart,bearing。 一个好青年必须身体健康。无论从事什么行业,健康的身体才是成功的基础。它使我们能够努力工作,坚定不移;使我能够奋斗,坚持下去。除此之外,我们更能适应当前的工作,能为成功而奋斗,能够忍受艰苦,能够报效国家。一个好青年必须培养良好,高尚的品格。很多学问渊博的人误入歧途。他们对社会甚至对国家的破坏大于贡献。他们只追求自己的利益,而不知道道德为何物。这个观点看来,“德行”对一个优秀青年更为重要。对于一个好青年来说,学问是自己的事,不能依靠别人A good young man must have a healthy body condition.No matter what kind of job you engaged in,a healthy body is the base of success.It makes us work hard and unswervingly;it makes us endeavour and insist.Besides these,we can adapt to the present job better,fight for the success,bear the hardships and serve our country.A good young man must cul


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