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GROUP 1 blackmail vt. 1. 敲诈;向……勒索 2. 胁迫: blackmail sb. into doing sth. 胁迫某人做某事 blueprint n. vt. 蓝图;行动计划 为……制蓝图;为……制订行动计划;为……定详细规划 briefcase n. 公事皮包,公文包 budget n. 预算;预算案: a budget estimate 概算 budget making 预算编制 budget control 预算控制 introduce (或open) the budge (向英国下议院)提出预算案 a budget deficit 预算赤字 a family budget? 家庭收支预算 butterfly n. 蝴蝶 bypass n. vt. (通常为绕过市镇等而筑的)支路,旁路 1. 绕过 2. 忽视;回避;越过: These problems cannot be bypassed. 这些问题不能回避。 bypass the immediate leadership 越级 commonplace adj. 1. 普通的,寻常的: Air travel has now become commonplace. 乘飞机现在很寻常。 2. 平淡无奇的,平庸的 copyright n. 版权,著作权 ? GROUP 2 countryside n. 乡下,农村: in the countryside 在农村 deadline n. 最后期限 drawback n. 欠缺,不利条件: Slow drying is the chief drawback of this paint. 这漆最大的缺点是干得慢。 farewell n. ? ? ? adj. 1. 告别话;告别: make one’s farewells 道别,告辞 take one’s farewell of sb. 向某人告别 2. 欢送会;(欢送退休艺人的)告别演出 告别的: a farewell speech 告别词 farewell to 对…诀别 feedback n. 反馈;(信息等的)返回;反馈的信息: the feedback from customers 顾客的反馈意见 There was little feedback from our questionnaire. 我们问卷调查的反馈信息极少。 fireman n. 消防队员 fireplace n. 壁炉;火炉 forehead n. 1. 额? 2. 前部 forgive vt. 原谅;饶恕;宽恕: He forgave the children their trespasses. 孩子们擅自闯入他没有怪罪。 He was forgiven his offences. (或His offences were forgiven him.) 他的过错得到了宽恕。 forgive sb. for being rude 原谅某人的鲁莽 guideline n. [常作guidelines]指导方针;准则: lay out economic guidelines 制订经济方针 a price guide 价格指标 ? GROUP 3 hardship n. 1. 苦难,困苦: bear hardship without a murmur毫无怨言地忍受苦难 2. 苦事;苦因: the hardships borne by mountaineers 登山运动员吃的苦 the hardships of wartime 战时的艰难 hardware n. 1. 金属器具: a hardware store 五金店 2. [计算机]硬件 headline n. 1. (报刊的)大字标题: banner headlines 通栏大字标题 2. [headlines]头版重要新闻;新闻提要: go into headlines 成为重要新闻 The arrival of the table-tennis team hit (或made) the headlines in the local press. 乒乓球队的到达成了当地报纸的头条新闻。 headmaster n. 校长 headquarters n. [用作单或复] (机构、企业等的)总部,总店 highlight n. vt. 最精采场面,最重要部分 1. 以强光照射? 2. 集中注意力于,着重 3. 使显著,使突出 highway n. 公路;大路 horsepower n. [物理]马力 hostage n. 人质;抵押品: be held(或taken


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