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药品说明书翻译指南11:其他项目 Others ?? 发布日期:2011-08-03??浏览次数:114 核心提示:药品说明书中除前面所述10项外,其它一些可能出现的项目的翻译方法。 前面所述10项是绝大多数英文药品说明书中必备项目,但是许多说明书中还常常出现其他一些项目。例如:   1、特点(Characteristics),   2、性质(Properties),   3、药代动力学(Pharmacokinetics),   4、用药过量(Overdosage),   5、相互作用(Interactions),   6、有效期(Validity),   7、其他可能出现的项目。   现将各项简要分述如下:   1、Characteristics(特点)或Features(特点)的主要内容是药物的药理作用特点、疗效、剂量及药物代谢等。所以本项内的英语词汇及结构特点与“药理学”、“剂量”等项内容相似。   例1 Characteristics:   1)Asverin Is an entirely new and patented cough medicine developed by Tanabes rocess.   2)Asverin being a non-narcotic, can be used as a common medicine.   3)Antitussive effect of Asverin is equal to or more powerful than that of codeine.   4)Asverin is provided with an expectoranting action which has been never found in any conventional antitussitive agents so far available in the market.   5)Asverin can be administered safely for a long duration without any sideeffect.   特点1)安嗽灵是一种全新的、获有专利的用塔那勃氏方法研制的镇咳药。   2)安嗽灵属非麻醉药,可作为常用药使用。   3)安嗽灵的镇咳作用相当于或强于可待因。   4)安嗽灵的祛痰作用是迄今市场上可买到的常用镇咳药中前所未有的。   5)安嗽灵可长期服用,既安全又无副作用。   2、 Properties (Property)(性质):本项内容与Characteristics 基本相同。   例2 Methotrexate (MTX) is an antimetabolite of folic acid which has been used for a long time in the chemotherapy of tumours.   氨甲叶酸(简称MTX)为甲酰四氢叶酸的抗代谢物,长期以来一直用作治疗肿瘤的化疗药物。   例3 Unlike nitroglycerine, it is not rapidly inactivated in the liver and a reliable clinical effect can be expected. Toxicity is low-effects are minimal with Motazomin.   脉心导敏与硝酸甘油不同,在肝脏不能迅速失活,因而可望具有可靠的临床效果,本品毒性小,副作用极为轻微。   例4 Urgenin acts as an anti-inflammatory, reducing the swelling in the prostatic bladder region caused by general obstruction. It also stimulates the blood circulation in this area and the bodys natural defence mechanism.   护前列腺素具有抗炎作用,能减轻前列腺膀胱区因一般性梗阻引起的肿胀,本品能刺激上述部位的血液循环,并增加机体的自然防御机制。   例5 Medomin induces restorative sleep lasting 6-8 hours. Because it is rapidly and completely broken down in the body, it is unlikely to produce morning hangover and does not cumulate. It reta


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