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论行政诉讼举证责任的分配与转移摘要:在行政诉讼中举证责任制度有着自身的复杂性,它直接关系到行政诉讼目标价值的顺利实现。关于行政诉讼举证责任的分配与转移的问题则是本文的核心。法律规定某一事实由哪一方当事人承担举证责任为举证责任的分配,最理想的举证责任分配法则,就是能最大限度地实现公正、效益与效率三大价值比例及价值整合。实现三大价值和程序法与实体法内在精神的契合。行政诉讼由被告对被诉具体行政行为承担举证责任,体现了民事诉讼“谁主张,准举证”的分配规则。但由于行政案件的复杂性和多样性,决定了不能机械地适用举证责任的一般规则去处理一切案件中的举证责任,在一定条件下,举证责任也会发生转移。但无论如何,被告承担举证责任永远是行政诉讼的特有原则,原告承担举证责任则是一种特殊形式,在适用举证责任转移时要注意保护原告的合法权利,达到促使行政机关依法行政的目的。关键词:举证责任分配规则倒置与转移原告举证 被告举证On the Distribution and Dransfer of Onus Probandi in Administrative SuitAbstract:It has its own complexity in administrative lawsuit and concerns directly the accomplishment of the objective values in the suit. So thereshould be some beneficial discussions about problems concerning the meanings and natures of onus probandi, the distribution of onus probandi during administrative suit and the transfer of onus probandi. Distribution and transfer of onus probandi in administrativesuit is the core of this article. The distribution of onus probandi is a rulethat law determines which party has the burden of proof. The most perfectrule of distribution is a combination of the values of justice, benefit andefficiency, which can be realized the farthest, the rule also lies on theagreement between the accomplishment of those values and the immanentspirits of proceeding law and substantial law. In administrative litigation, itis the defendant that undertakes the burden of proof for his concreteprosecuted administration behavior, embodying the distribution principlesof civil action, which says, Someone advocates, someone puts to theproof.But because of the complexity and variety of the administrativecase, it is impossible to apply automatically the general rules of onusprobandi to all cases. Under certain conditions, onus probandi may transferHowever, it is always a unique principle in administrative suit that onusprobandi lies on the defendant, and that the plaintiff undertakes the burdenof proof is only a special case. When onus probandi transfers, attentionsshould be paid to protec
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