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对通信工程的浅识 Shallow knowledge of communication engineering  20世纪50年代末,计算机的出现和普及,把信息对整个社会的影响逐步提高到一种绝对重要的地位.信息量,信息传播的速度,信息处理的速度以及应用信息的程度等都以几何级数的方式在增长. In the late 1950 s, the advent of the computer and popularization, the informations influence on the society as a whole gradually increase to an absolute important position. The amount of information, information transmission speed, the speed of information processing and application degree of information are growing in the form of geometric series.    二十一世纪是信息化经济昌盛的新世纪,更是一个信息爆炸的时代,每天我们都会接触到浩如烟海的信息,这些信息来源广泛,比如互联网、手机、电视、报纸、周围人等等,可以说信息已经深深地融入我们的生活,我们已经离不开信息。据科学家统计,从垃圾邮件到令人厌烦的广告,我们每天都遭到海量信息的“狂轰滥炸”。美国科学家计算出一个人每天平均获取的数据总量。他们发现,人类平均每天通过电视、广播、报纸、海报和邮件获得的数据量相当于阅读174份报纸。研究同样发现,世界上的图书馆、电脑、DVD和报纸所包含的数据量达到295万亿兆字节。如果将这些数据存储到CD-ROM,CD堆叠在一起的高度相当于地球与月球之间的距离,而且这些数据量还在不断地增加。 The 21st century is an information-based economy and prosperity of the new century, it is an era of information explosion, everyday we come into contact with the voluminous information, the information sources, such as Internet, mobile phones, TV, newspaper, the people around you, and so on, can say information has been deeply integrated into our lives, we have not information. , according to scientists from junk emails to annoying ads, we every day \bombardment\ by the vast amounts of information. Scientists in the United States to calculate a person on an average day for the amount of data. They found that the average human daily via television, radio, newspapers, posters and email for the amount of data that is equivalent to 174 newspaper reading. The study also found that the worlds libraries, computers, DVD and newspaper contains the amount of data of 295 trillion bytes. If these data will be stored in a cd-rom, CD piled on the height equivalent to the distance between the earth and the moon, and the amount of data is in constant increase.    那么在这个瞬息多变的,信息量庞杂的信息时代里,每个人以至于各行各业都应该如何面对如此的境遇呢?我认为必须将本行业与信息技术相联系,这样才能做到更为高效、更为迅速的做出反应,以适应瞬息万变的社会需求。 So, in this rapidly cha


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