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各位领导、老师、同学们下午好! My respectable leaders、dear teacher and students, good afternoon! 在这阳光灿烂的初冬下午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了我校举办的英语口语比赛。 With happy mood, we hold the Oral English Competition of Chaozhou Fuli School in such a sunny afternoon of early winter. 这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子! What an exciting day! What a lovely day that belongs to us! 今天,同学们将在这里不但展示青春风采,更将展示我校素质教育成果。 Today, the competitors will not only show their green mines, but also show achievements of our School’s Quality Education. 现在,让我们以热烈的掌声请出担任本次大赛的嘉宾领导:张静菲校长、王洁熳副校长及各位评委:黎宝和主任、林宝霞老师、巫思柳老师。让我们再次以最热烈的掌声欢迎他们! Now, let me introduce our honored guests and leaders: Miss Zhang,the headmaster. Miss Wang、the vice headmaster. Judges: Mr Li, the director, Miss Lin, Miss Wu. Let’s give them a warm welcome, welcome! 参加本次大赛的选手是从我校一至高一年级各班中挑出的英语学习的佼佼者,他们对英语学习有着浓厚兴趣。他们对英语一往情深。 The competitors are from grade one to senior one. They’ve shown great interests in English learning. They are for gone in love with English. 今天,他们将发挥自己英语口语方面的特长,也有机会向我们展示英语的魅力及重要性。首先,接受挑战的第一组是九年和高一年级的同学,第二组是三、四年级的同学,第三组是七、八年级的同学,第四组五、六年级同学,第五组是一、二年级同学。 Today, they will get a chance to take part in the Oral English Competition and show us the charm and importance of English. The first group to accept the challenges are grade nine and senior one. The second group are grade three and grade four. The third group are grade seven and grade eight. The fourth group are grade five and grade six. The fifth group are grade one and grade two. 你们准备好了吗? Are you ready? 下面,请允许我介绍本次比赛的规则。每个年级都有机会回答所规定的不同固定环节内容,选手们将在规定时间内完成,各个环节所得分数相加,就构成选手最终得分。 在比赛期间,希望同学认真欣赏,保持安静。也希望各位选手遵守规则,尊重评委,赛出风格,赛出水平。现在,我宣布:潮州市富丽学校英语口语比赛正式开始! Now, let me introduce the rules for the competition: Each group will have a chance to answer all the confirmed questions ruled previously, competitors should finish each section in set time, the final scores will be added by every section’s scores. We hope that all the students should appreciate earnestly and keep quiet during the competition. We also hope th


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