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B20 直译和意译 Keys for reference: 1. 出乎我意料的是他们的蜜月是在一家豪华酒店度过的。 (expectation) What was beyond my expectation was that they spent their honeymoon in a luxury hotel. 2. 天灾时许多人会做志愿者是无容置疑的。 (undoubted) That many people will volunteer in times of disaster is undoubted. 3. 令人遗憾的是她不争气。 (regrettable) It is regrettable that he doesn’t help himself. 4. 目前你太心满意足了,这会使你懒惰并缺乏自我提高的动力。 (lack) That you are too content/satisfied at present will enable you to become lazy and lack motivation for self-improvement. 5. 促成重大变化的是对生活的预期。 (difference) What makes a big difference are expectations of life. 6. 蛋未孵化先数小鸡显露了过急的期盼。 (hatch) That you count your chickens before they are hatched is the reflection of rushed expectations. 7. 一些医生坚持认为皮肤长期直接暴露在阳光下面临患癌危险。 (expose) Some doctors insist that skin long exposed to direct sunshine faces the risk of developing cancer. 8.我相信有着阳光和蓝色海洋的度假胜地会让你有好心情。 (contribute) I believe that a holiday resort with sunshine and blue sea will contribute to your good mood. 9.许多人怀疑父母参与孩子学习是否必要。 ( participation) Many people doubt whether parental participation in children’s learning is necessary. 10.研究表明,测验前睡个好觉能使你有最好的测验结果。 (enable) Research shows that a good sleep before a test enables you to produce the best test result. 11.工会说,因油价飙升,低收入的工人会得到政府救助。 (relief) Unions said low-paid workers would get some relief from the government due to the soaring gas prices. 12. 有关部门已经证实将采取较多的实际措施来减少碳排量。 (emission) The department concerned has confirmed that more down-to-earth measures will be taken to reduce carbon emissions. 13.我想这票子能让你喝免费午茶。 (entitle) I think that the ticket can entitle you to free afternoon tea. 14. 我想要是我们没有更大的房间的话,可以将就地住在这间房间里。 (available) I think if there is no larger room available, we can settle for this room. 15.更多的个案表明,学习的效果与学生上课注意听讲有直接关系。 (effect) More individual cases have shown that the effect of study is directly related to the attention a student pays in class. 16.那家鞋店声称所有鞋子降价60%,然而顾客却寥寥无几。 (claim) The shoe store claimed that th


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